We're not communicating well. I'll try to explain this to the best of my

On Wed, 2002-07-31 at 20:00, Dan Harkless wrote:
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > That is not what I had in mind. The person making the announcement needs
> > > > to decide the target audience. Our mailing lists reach a different set
> > > > of users than our web site.
> > > 
> > > I think you're making the criteria more vague and complicated than need be.
> > 
> > Dan,
> > There is nothing vague about what I said above.
> "The person making the announcement needs to decide the target audience"
> _is_ more vague than "security advisories should be posted to
> leaf-announce".

You keep returning to security advisories. I'm talking about
announcements. In my mind they are distinct and different things.

> > > Bottom-line, stuff that's important for most or all LEAF users to hear,
> > > including, but not limited to, security advisories, should definitely be
> > > posted to leaf-announce.
> > 
> > I will not force people to do this. 
> Who said anything about forcing??  I just think that should be the official
> _policy_.

Isn't that the same thing?

> > The announce list needs to be seen as useful on it's own merits.
> That would be more likely if the policy as to what kinds of things should be
> posted there (e.g. security advisories and new version announcements) were
> short, clear, and concise.

The announce list was created shortly after our project was founded. Its
stated purpose hasn't changed. Our project members haven't used it. What
do you want me to do about it?

[Leaf-devel] New Lists
Re: [Leaf-devel] New LEAF Lists
Re: [Leaf-devel] Oxygen update: Minor bug fixes and updates

> > > Well, since you've redirected the thread off of leaf-user, it's partially a
> > > moot point.  It wasn't clarification for me personally that I was driving
> > > for, but for others.  But I suppose most of the people who are likely to
> > > have posts worthy of leaf-announce subscribe to leaf-devel.
> > 
> > It was cross posted by you. 
> No, it was Jacques' original post about the new version of the PPTP package
> that was crossposted to leaf-devel and leaf-user, and thus so was my reply
> to it asking whether such posts ought'nt to go to leaf-announce.

I stand corrected.

> > I pruned leaf-user as the topic wasn't relevant to that list.
> It absolutely _is_ relevant to leaf-user.  People need to know what types of
> things (e.g. security advisories) they can still expect to receive once
> their immediate problem is fixed and they've unsubscribed to leaf-user but
> stayed subscribed to leaf-announce.

I believe this is a project administration topic, and it belongs on

> > You seem to have a problem with the way I'm managing our mailing lists.
> > I admit there are many other people that are more qualified for the job,
> > but I'm the one that volunteered.
> > 
> > Do you wish to take over our mailing list management job? It requires
> > approximately 15min to 1 1/2 hours a day. You'll need to understand mail
> > headers, and Mailman management. Please send your credentials if your
> > interested.

s/your/you're/ <- error noted after hitting send.

> Having a problem with your wording as to when things should be posted to
> leaf-announce does not equate to having "a problem with the way [you're]
> managing our mailing lists".  I should think we'd be able to have a
> discussion without you pulling out the "if you think you can do a better
> job, go ahead" card.

We are having a discussion. I'm obviously doing a poor job of expressing

> In any case, I unfortunately do not currently have the free time to
> volunteer for the effort, and I certainly don't see any major problems with
> the way you've been doing it to warrant someone else taking over.

Thanks. I try to keep these lists running smoothly. However, I'm under
no illusion that I'm the best person for the job.

> > What Jacques says for Bering bug reporting is correct. What I said,
> > indicates my preference. There are no mandates here.
> I'm not asking for mandates.  Just for clear enuniciations of the
> _preferred_ way of doing things.  For bug reporting, it's now clear from
> your and Jacques' emails that the tracker is the preferred way to do it.  It
> just isn't clear in the official documentation, that's all.
> Lack of a clear, quickly-findable policy on bug reporting can dissuade
> people from reporting them (at least if they've found a workaround for their
> own case).

Making things hard for our users is not my intent. The nature of our
project generates inconsistencies at times.

In summary: we agree that the leaf-announce list is underutilized. I've
tried in the past to get our members to use it. I wasn't successful.
What suggestions do you have to remedy the situation? Just telling them
to use it isn't sufficient. At least it wasn't in the past.


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