Hi Jorn,

> A good idea might also be to add a few comments/samples for commonly used
> applications... Like Tom has done for Shorewall.
I don't know - I don't believe in keeping the documentation inside the
configuration, and there's more than enough information on hosts.allow
available on the net -
looks rather promising to me.

But I'm not the one who decides that, so it may well be that the people
who do decide such kinds of things follow your ideas rather than mine -
which would be fine with me too, as long as I'm not asked to write the
docs. I'm just voicing _my_ thoughts. I don't think we should give an
example that would leave people too exposed (like "ALL: ALL"), since I
think that somebody who decides to disable all security checks should
know what he's doing (and not only copying some sample config), but
that's just me.

> If we can gather enough samples I can write up a little section for the
> docs...
You mean something like
http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl5_hostsal.htm#lbAN (which is
on the page pointed to by the first link I get from the google search
mentioned above)? Sure, something like that could be useful - but I
guess it would be duplicating the work somebody else has already done
(unless you have something totally different in mind).


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