Mike Noyes wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 13:17, Martin Hejl wrote:
>>>Ideally, building from a local working-copy of the repository will be
>>>fairly easy (it sounds like this is getting tested RealSoonNow).  This
>>>would separate download problems from actually building the source
>>>(possibly important for those with flaky internet access, or folks using
>>>the flaky sourceforge CVS servers! :).
>>Well, that's what the whole "we supply a tarball of everything you need,
>>and put it into FRS" approach was all about. But it seems that is not an
>>approved approach.
> Martin,
> That approach is fine. I just thought the tag approach was easier.

May I suggest to add a tag anyway for the following reasons

- tags do not hurt CVS operation in any  way, just make it easier to 
retrieve a certain version.
- tags are easy to add
- tags will work with the current buildtool although it is not used by it
- adding a tag is faster than to build a tar file, such an archive is a 
nice shortcut though
- adding a tag does not create overhead to the CVS archive (unless we 
use subversion)

my $0.02


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