Kory --

I haven't used EchoWall in some time now, and Scott's added a lot to it
(including *all* the support for game servers) since I last worked on it. So
I can't give you a direct answer as to what is wrong. But if you provide
some additional diagnostics, I (or Scott, when he sees this thread) may be
able to help.

1. What is the output of "ifconfig -a" or "ip addr show" (whichever command
your LEAF system has)?

2. In echowall.run, what do the lines in the "QUAKE" block look like (after
you've configured the package - look for any lines that reference port 4242)?

3. After you've run the script, what actual ipchains rules are in place for
port 4242? Probably, you can get the relevant entries with this command:

        ipchains -L -n -v | grep 4242   

Aside from these specific questions, I note that the header of the QUAKE
block in echowall.rules reads "Quake [still needs testing]". So some actual
debugging may be needed. To that end, can you provide any more details as to
what the failure mode seems to be when you say "When I start a dedicated
Quake2 or Quake3 server I am unable to connect"? Has anybody else on the
list tested a Quake server successfully with EchoWall?

At 10:58 PM 11/3/01 -0500, Kory Krofft wrote:
>Nope. Not using aliases.
>Patrick Benson wrote:
>> Kory Krofft wrote:
>> > Thanks. That seema to be a useful add on. I have set it up per the included
>> > instructions. When I start the script I get :
>> >
>> > Starting echowall..ipchains: Device or resource busy
>> > .Warning: wierd character in interface '!lo' ( No aliases, :, ! or *).
>> > Warning: wierd character in interface '!lo' ( No aliases, :, ! or *).
>> > ...Done
>> > Services enabled:
>> > QUAKE on <>.
>> > UNREAL on <>.
>> > HLIFE on <>.
>> >
>> > When I start a dedicated Quake2 or Quake3 server I am unable to connect.
>> > Any suggestions?
>> >
>> > Thank you,
>> >
>> > Kory
>> You aren't using aliases on your network cards, by any chance? If so
>> just set them up as eth0, eth1, etc.

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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