guitarlynn wrote:

On Monday 28 October 2002 23:20, dan carter wrote:

Is there an a linux implementation of this protocol? I have been
trying to get something like that going for ages to join two private
LANs over the internet. All the VPN stuff i've looked at doesn't
seem to be able to forward the broadcast packets even if they are
directed broadcast packets, which breaks warcraft 3 LAN game
discovery and simple broadcast discovery for smb browse lists

Gads!!!! I hope not.. :-)
You might take a gander at WINS or some other resolution method
outside of NetBeui/NetBIOS. You do _not_ want to be spewing broadcast
garbage outside of your subnet when better, more controlled methods
are available. Setting up a WINS server on each subnet that sync with
each other is much more preferrable.

Getting Warcraft III going was actually the more pressing requirement, broadcast browse lists would just be a nice bonus otherwise you have to keep using \\ip address\sharename strings to find file shares. They are only small networks <5 machines each, so being overwhelmed with broadcast packets is not going to be a problem. For tiny networks i often find it is more work to do things the 'proper' way (eg dhcp server) than the 'hard' way (manual ip settings and a text file of who has what ip)

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