More in the saga of wireless network connectivity.  =)

Someone mailed me off-list to report that they had enjoyed success with their 
Orinoco card using the 8.10 firmware revision.  So I downgraded the firmware 
in both of my cards.  Again, everything appears to work at first.  Now, 
however, the LEAF/Bering box bombs out after as little as five minutes of no 
activity on the wireless segment.  Doing 'iwconfig' on the LEAF/Bering 
console produces the same results as before:

> hermes @ IO 0x100: Card removed while waiting for command completion.
> hermes @ IO 0x100: Card removed while waiting for command completion.
> hermes @ IO 0x100: Card removed while waiting for command completion.
> hermes @ IO 0x100: Card removed while waiting for command completion.
> hermes @ IO 0x100: Card removed while waiting for command completion.
> hermes @ IO 0x100: Card removed while waiting for command completion.
> hermes @ IO 0x100: Card removed while waiting for command completion.
> hermes @ IO 0x100: Card removed while waiting for command completion.
> hermes @ IO 0x100: Card removed while waiting for command completion.
> hermes @ IO 0x100: Card removed while waiting for command completion.
> eth2    IEEE 802.11-DS  Nickname:"firewall"
>         Mode:Ad-Hoc  Frequency:42.9497GHz  Tx-Power=15 dBm
>         RTS thr:off
>         Encryption key:off

'/etc/init.d/pcmcia restart' or ejecting and re-instering the card fixed the 
problem, until the next period of inactivity.

I switched cards, putting the LEAF/Bering card into my laptop, and vice versa; 
but the problem remained -- a moderate period of inactivity caused the system 
to think that the card was no longer there.

The laptop does not produce these error messages, so I'm fairly confident that 
the problem is isolated to the LEAF/Bering box.  This could mean that I've 
got a screwy configuration somehow, or that I've got a hardware problem (most 
likely a flakey ISA-to-PCMCIA adapter?).

I'm going to build a new LEAF/Bering floppy from scratch -- following the 
Wireless section of the User's Guide to a tee from the beginning -- and see 
if that fixes me up.

I'd love to hear from Orinoco users which firmware versions you've had success 
and failure with.  It sounds like Matt Schalit is enjoying 7.28, while Brock 
Nanson and the person who sent me a private message are enjoying 8.10.

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