> Normally, disabling root logins in regular sshd does NOT prevent
> use of su.
> (I routinely set up sshd this way on my servers.) I'd be surprised if lsh
> is different here ... but once more, I cannot be certain.

neither lshd nor sshd or telnetd could prevent the use of su, because they
simply start a shell where the user can start the command su, as

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root        29116 2002-09-09 22:05 /bin/su

sshd and lshd no *nothing* about this, they just provide the transport.
If you want to prevent this, chroot the user, give him a shell with a
restricted set of commands, or change /bin/su so it is not world executable:
chmod 4750 /bin/su
and add the users that may use su to the group owning su

- Alex

SSH=Secure Shell has a misleading name, it doesn't provide a shell, just a
secure channel. The shell is still your default login shell, e.g. /bin/bash

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