thanks Ray.  i tried using login.

after connecting via lsh with a user account i tried "login".  i also tried
"login root",
"exec login", "exec login root"

they all return the same message:

    No utmp entry. you must exec "login" from the lowest level "sh"

also, when i use the "exec login" versions above, the bering box immediately
closes the lsh connection.

ps ax gives me: (i don't really know if/why this is relevant)

PID     Uid        VmSize   Stat  Command
3362    user         1316    S     -sh
19627   user         1796    R     ps ax

I did find a utmp file in /var/run, and tried removing it, but then i get
the same message, and, in addition
I also get file not found messages (i guess i thaught that by removing it,
the file would get recreated and
magically work)

anyway, that's what i get.  is there another way to log in with a non-root
account (into lshd) and then get
to root?

any other ideas on login or su?

thanks again - ted

At 12:22 PM 5/28/2003 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>again, i would like to thank everyone for their input.
>yes, the su binary comes from (i think) the Dach distribution.
>there is not a problem with path.  the command does execute when it
>resides in /usr/local/bin.
>in fact, if i log in as root, i can su to root (no password required),
>and i do get a root shell, within the outer root shell.
>certainly, this is not a problem related to lshd or sshd (i was merely
>tagging this question to the end of the previous one).
>the issue seems to be with password authetication, as was mentioned in a
>prior reply.
>is there anything i can do to fix this?  or, what other information can i
>provide to help with diagnosis of the problem?  i am currently running
>bering 1.0.
[old stuff deleted]

See if you can lsh in as ordinary_user, then run "login" to log in as root.

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