Or get him back on loan in January?
    On Sunday, October 15, 2017, 11:38:21 AM EDT, Simon McNally 
<simon_mcna...@sky.com> wrote:  
 Absolutely. He would fit the "complete midfielder " bill!

Sent from my iPhone

> On 15 Oct 2017, at 16:23, Nicholas Armit <arm...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Wish we had kept Cook
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 15, 2017, at 4:33 AM, Simon McNally <simon_mcna...@sky.com> wrote:
>> Fair point. I normally stay and clap them regardless of the result but I was 
>> so annoyed with their limp performance yesterday I just walked off too.
>> There's definitely something up with Jansson though. He doesn't look the 
>> same player as last year. Hopefully it's just because he's having to play 
>> alongside Cooper instead of Bartley. We desperately need another centre back.
>> To me the team looks short of leaders - too much whinging at the referee and 
>> not enough getting stuck in and fighting.
>> Simon 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 15 Oct 2017, at 09:09, Richard Walker <richleed...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Good summary Simon and agree with most of what you have written.
>>> In terms of Jansson being the first down the tunnel after a defeat but the 
>>> last off the pitch when we win I don't hold that against him. As a fan 
>>> yesterday I was straight out of the stand on the final whistle and the last 
>>> thing I want to see is Cooper and Philips dragging themselves around the 
>>> four stands clapping the fans and almost asking for an apology. Fuck off ! 
>>> Get yourself back in that dressing room and have a word with yourself. 
>>> Jansson went down the tunnel cos he was pissed off and I don't blame him 
>>> for that, afterall he'd just spent the afternoon playing alongside carcrash 
>>> Cooper. 
>>> On Saturday, 14 October 2017, 22:37:44 BST, Simon McNally 
>>> <simon_mcna...@sky.com> wrote:
>>> Very disappointed today. We didn't turn up first half at all and gave away 
>>> a bad goal.
>>> I agree with Noel Whelan on radio Leeds - we might feel hard done by to not 
>>> get a foul in the build up to their goal but the ball had to travel a long 
>>> way to end up in the net. Too many of them switched off, Ayling,  who has 
>>> been excellent this season, switched off and Barrow ran in behind him. I 
>>> knew he'd score as soon as he came on - another twat that was shit for us 
>>> comes back and scores. 
>>> I'm worried that we've got a squad with no real leaders - I hate to see us 
>>> arguing the toss with the officials when the ball is in play. I think 
>>> Hernandez is good, especially at this level, but he's not strong enough and 
>>> falls over appealing for a free kick whenever he's challenged. He needs to 
>>> grow a pair.
>>> As Rich has said, Lassogga gets muscled off the ball too easily for such a 
>>> big bloke and Grot looks useless.
>>> A couple of other things that Radio Leeds picked up on that I noticed too.. 
>>> Jansson (and Hernandez) were quick to get down the tunnel. Jansson is 
>>> always fist pumping the crowd when they've won but couldn't wait to get 
>>> down the tunnel today. I don't like that and maybe that's why he hasn't 
>>> made it big anywhere else - brilliant when things are going well, fucks off 
>>> when they're not..
>>> Also, no players came to speak to the press after the game - they're happy 
>>> to do it after a win but again I think that's poor.
>>> There's talk that there'll be money to spend in January so I've been 
>>> thinking which positions need strengthening.
>>> Assuming he sticks with 4231 (I'd rather we played 442 at home).
>>> GK : a definite yes! Wiedwald looked ok when he didn't have to make any 
>>> saves but has looked shite since. Lonergan played well today but can't be 
>>> the long term solution.
>>> RB : happy with Ayling
>>> LB : a definite yes. Not replaced Taylor. I like Berardi but he's not a 
>>> left back.
>>> RCB : Jansson ok but I've not been impressed this season, especially his 
>>> attitude.
>>> LCB : definite yes. I saw Cooper has blocked someone on twitter for calling 
>>> him league one Liam but he's spot on. A few good games doesn't make up for 
>>> his obvious failings, Cardiff in particular would have me looking to get 
>>> rid. Agree totally with Rich's point - he won the ball but tried to bring 
>>> the ball out instead of putting his foot through it and they nearly scored. 
>>> He's not a player in a promotion team for me.
>>> RDM : I'm reasonably happy with O'Kane - he's good on the ball and brings 
>>> it forward. Needs someone with more physicality along side him.
>>> LDM : I like Philipps, I like that he's local and came through the ranks 
>>> and looks like he cares but hand on heart, is he a first team player for a 
>>> promotion team? I'd have to say no. Maybe one day but not today. This 
>>> position is crucial - linking O'Kane to the players further forward, 
>>> winning tackles, scoring goals, almost the complete midfielder. I'd like us 
>>> to throw whatever money we've got at an experienced player to do that - 
>>> trouble is, I can't think of too many. Any thoughts?
>>> CAM : Saiz is class, needs to see more of the ball in advanced positions..
>>> RW : I was happy with Alioski but starting to think the "Macedonian Messi" 
>>> tag might be slightly optimistic! Despite what radio Leeds said, I think 
>>> Roofe was poor today. Like Rich, I think he's too lightweight and league 
>>> one is probably his level. I'd stick with Alioski for now.
>>> LW : Hernandez goes missing too often for me and spends more time diving 
>>> for free kicks than anything else. He's got real class but misplaced loads 
>>> of easy passes today. I think he's in decline. I'd look for an upgrade or 
>>> give Dallas a run.
>>> CF : thought Lasogga looked the business to start with, but in fairness I 
>>> think I'd have looked good against Burton. Needs to work a lot harder and 
>>> maybe this is why he's not played much for Hamburg. Again , hard to judge 
>>> him when he doesn't get much service but he didn't really do much himself.
>>> I make my shopping list :
>>> Experienced complete midfielder 
>>> Goalkeeper 
>>> Left back
>>> Centre back
>>> Winger
>>> Striker 
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Simon 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 14 Oct 2017, at 19:37, {broken-address} Richard Walker 
>>>> <richleed...@yahoo.co.uk.is-broken.gn.apc.org> wrote:
>>>> This was a horror show especially the first 45 minutes where we just 
>>>> didn't look like a team. TC dropped his keeper which was a good decision 
>>>> but he now has to seriously have a look at his style of play and look to 
>>>> whether he should develop a Plan B.
>>>> It is painful to see us pass square balls across the back until we were 
>>>> put under pressure and had to go back to Lonerghan. You could see the 
>>>> players thinking we've been told to do this but it isn't working. We 
>>>> continually put herself under pressure because to play this system you 
>>>> need at least one midfielder who can sit deep, offer himself and make 
>>>> things happen. Both O'Kane and Philips didn't seem to want to do this. It 
>>>> took TC 45 minutes to see that this wasn't working and he changed it 
>>>> second half by moving O'Kane deep to sit between them and start the moves. 
>>>> It was better but I still don't think we're a team that is capable of 
>>>> playing this type of football in the championship. And whilst we've been 
>>>> praising TC and slagging Garry Monk (me included) maybe we should now 
>>>> begin to question whether Monk's limited tactics and straight forward 
>>>> approach with a hungry team might be a better way forward to this 
>>>> continental game that TC is trying to adopt with players who find it hard t
>> o 
>>> pass a ball at times. 
>>>> The reason TC doesn't want to see us punt it long is that we don't have 
>>>> anyone capable of winning the ball. Lasogga is a big unit but he is shite 
>>>> at 50:50 balls in the air, in fact today he rarely got off the ground and 
>>>> when Grot came on he us a masterclass of how a 7ft bloke can look 
>>>> ineffective in the air. 
>>>> I think the main weaknesses today other than the system was our two 
>>>> central midfielders - O'Kane and Philips. It seemed at the start of the 
>>>> season the TC had spotted something we hadn't and had moulded Philips into 
>>>> a new , young superstar. I think we can reflect and see that Philips got a 
>>>> 4 year contract based on a few goals and half decent games against the 
>>>> poorer teams in the league. In fact, our results have come against the 
>>>> weaker teams in the leagues and if you take an objective look at the table 
>>>> and who we have played you'd have to say a mid table finish with this team 
>>>> is about right.
>>>> However, I do think there is potential in this team, I do think we have 
>>>> some better players and I think if TC can steady the ship and maybe pick 
>>>> players more suited to his style we have a chance of improving on last 
>>>> year but I think the next few games are the true test of TC and his team. 
>>>> I remember Wagner adopted this style and was crucified by some Town fans 
>>>> after variable results but he stuck to his task , got some players in who 
>>>> can handle it and he ended up in the PL.
>>>> As for the game today, I thought it was a game between two low in 
>>>> confidence , poor teams. I thought Reading has a couple of top players. 
>>>> Their big striker had a nice touch on him and one left Cooper for dead in 
>>>> the first half - you rarely see a central defender left for dead like he 
>>>> did to Cooper. There weren't many chances (I don't think we had any) and 
>>>> Lonergan made a decent save for their only chance. The worrying thing for 
>>>> me though is that we played 45 mins looking like a team who weren't that 
>>>> bothered. We struggled to put 2 passes together and in midfield we didn't 
>>>> compete. Hernandez was again relegated to the left wing and Saiz was 
>>>> playing high up the park and as a result hardly had a kick as we struggled 
>>>> to take control of the game. 
>>>> Second half, with O'Kane came deeper it was better but it took the 
>>>> introduction of Sackoshit (for ineffective Roofe) to really change things. 
>>>> He gave us a bit of pace and a bit of directness that seemed to spur us 
>>>> on. Suddenly we wanted it and Saiz started to get on the ball and we 
>>>> started to llok dangerous. However as we pushed forward Reading did us on 
>>>> the break with a simple goal scored by Barrow - when he came it on someone 
>>>> commented that it was inevitable he was going to score. He nearly scored 
>>>> prior to the goal with a hard shot which was well saved by Lonergan. 
>>>> We huffed and puffed, Jansson missed the chance of the game, skying over 
>>>> from 6 yards after great work from Hernandes and eventually we got what we 
>>>> deserved as Saiz jinked into the box and was brought down. 
>>>> Hernandes, the king of penalties, stepped up and placed it with no pace, 
>>>> on the floor about 1 yard from the keeper. The easiest penalty save ever. 
>>>> Hernandes sank to his knees. Summed up the whole day and the performance 
>>>> perfectly. 
>>>> There's so many positive things going on at ER at the moment, the 
>>>> atmosphere is great pre-match and the big crowds are coming back however I 
>>>> think there's definitely a mini-crisis at the moment which is going to 
>>>> take some hard work to get out of. I go from thinking TC will pull it out 
>>>> of the bag and then I think he's actually out of his depth as a 
>>>> championship manager. Time will tell. 
>>>> Scores:
>>>> Lonergan - 7. Good decision, he looked much more solid and made some good 
>>>> saves. But why the fuck did we get rid of Rob Green - what a fuck up TC 
>>>> has made there. 
>>>> Ayling - 6. Did ok but seemed under pressure and made mistakes 
>>>> Beradi - 6. Was up against their best player and I think first half he was 
>>>> given the run around a bit however even on a yellow card Beradi give him a 
>>>> good battle. I think TC took Beradi off cos he was heading for a red as 
>>>> the pressure mounted. 
>>>> Jansson - 5. Doesn't look like the same player to me. I think his partner 
>>>> didn't help plus the constant switching of pairings isn't helping either. 
>>>> Cooper - 4. I don't like him bringing the ball out from the back - he is 
>>>> incapable , I don't like his defending at times when he just looks like an 
>>>> accident waiting to happen. An incident in the 2nd half summed up Cooper. 
>>>> Reading were in the area, Cooper made a brilliant last ditch tackle and 
>>>> brought the ball away but he seemed to get caught off balance and ended up 
>>>> having the ball taken off him and Reading gained possession again and 
>>>> should have scored. He's a dodgy defender I'm afraid.
>>>> O'Kane - 5. Horrendous first half but second half I thought he did his 
>>>> best to try and make things happen. He had a couple of woeful shots but at 
>>>> least he looked like he cared. 
>>>> Philips - 2. I've always had a problem with this lad and to be fair to him 
>>>> at times this season you could argue he looks like he might be kicking 
>>>> on.... Well, I was never convinced and I think his performances in the 
>>>> last half a dozen games have shown he is not up to it and I do think his 
>>>> performances a major part of why we are struggling. He is one paced and he 
>>>> sits in games and doesn't get involved. His contribution to the first half 
>>>> was zilch, nothing, fuck all. Second half he made one or two tackles but 
>>>> watch him next game.. For someone who we know has a decent engine (I think 
>>>> ?) he doesn't track his man and strolls around the pitch. I wanted to see 
>>>> him flying around putting in those Forest type tackles but he doesn't. I 
>>>> think together with O'Kane they are without doubt our biggest weakness. 
>>>> Come on TC it's time for Vierra.
>>>> Roofe - 3. He started fairly lively without being that effective but he 
>>>> just faded into insignificance. He is no winger and I still maintain he's 
>>>> no championship player. He will score goals for a lower league team and 
>>>> that's where he should be playing.
>>>> Hernandez - 5. He had a poor game but what I like about him is that he 
>>>> always gets invovled , he chases and he tries things. You could never say 
>>>> that about Philips. His pens have been good up to now so I think like a 
>>>> lot of the players he is suffering from the lull we are in. 
>>>> Saiz - 6. Hardly had a kick first half but came into 2nd half and it 
>>>> looked like to me that he saved all his effort for the last 15 mins. He 
>>>> needs someone behind him to be effective.
>>>> Lasogga - 3. Very disappointed with him today. This was up there with the 
>>>> worst of Chris Wood. For a big bloke he gets knocked off the ball too 
>>>> easily and he is shite in the air. I thought he was a beast against Burton 
>>>> but he was obviously up against shite that day. He looks like a big fairy. 
>>>> Subs;
>>>> Sackoshit - 7 CHanged the game without any end product
>>>> Grot - 0 He looked good against Forest, since then he's hardly done 
>>>> anything of any merit. 
>>>> Dallas - not on long enough 
>>>> TC - needs to make some big decisions.
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