at ease!... AT EASE!... let's step back from this for a moment!... LOL!... 
first comes some very important design considerations... would first need 
to know what might be the diameter of the  "wave" discs... as the size of 
the piece you are working on increases, I would think the diameter of the 
discs would increase... this isn't a watch cover or very small vase-type 
piece being worked on here, which is what a lot of rose engine lathes and 
ornamental lathes are used for... the intended use is to have the 
capability to work on long pieces(perhaps up to 72"?), and larger diameter 
pieces(up to 9", perhaps?)… so the wave discs need to be re-sized, 
proportionately... the diameter of the discs will indicate and dictate the 
position of where the cluster of wave pattern wheels will mount(or perhaps 
just one wheel at a time, but still need to consider the overall 
diameter)... I am thinking it would be mounted to the Legacy router 
carriage, positioned above the Legacy lead screw, but also outward, towards 
the operator of the machine, as you would want the follower "rub" pin to be 
on a horizontal plane with the carriage, as low as possible, so the rubbing 
action is at the 9 and 3 o'clock position, in line with the center of the 
wave wheel... are you guys writing this down?... there will be a follow-up 
test next week!... LOL!... what needs to be discussed and worked out is 
what might be the number of repeats anyone would want on a typical 
workpiece of the large scale we are considering here... for example, a 7" 
diameter, wood piece has a circumference of 22"... so how many "cuts" is 
desirable into that 22"... 4?...24?... 48?... we have to remember that we 
are working on wood here, and the beautiful patterns that you can achieve 
on a rose engine lathe, on the back of a gold watch cover, are most likely 
not attainable with a set up that is being designed here for the Legacy... 
point being, in this long winded conversation, is all the parameters need 
to be re-designed to better suit what would work on the Legacy... and that 
comes first before any shafts, bearing carriers, collars, etc., etc. can be 
purchased, welded together and assembled... perhaps some out there in 
Legacy-Land can chime in, and offer some suggestions and ideas... to bad we 
all pissed off upper management at Legacy... I would have liked to have 
heard their thoughts, and possible suggestions, on what is being 
contemplated hear... and perhaps someone has a 3D drawing program that they 
could lay out the idea being discussed here for a better understanding... 
find a nice photo of a rose engine wheel cluster and transpose it onto a 
Legacy... have seen it done all the time on facebook!... LOL!... Joe

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