It was the mid 90's and I was still in the Air Force and was working on the next stage in my life, retirement! So that lasted a week and I was ready to get something started. Woodworking was always a hobby for me so I was pretty well equipped.  After all, I had a Shop-smith! One day I was looking for a porch post that was too big for my lathe to handle and happened across a column and stair company downtown.  While I was waiting my turn, the customer ordered some balusters and also brought in a chair spindle to see if they could duplicate it.  The lady said no but I was standing behind the guy out of his sight shaking my head yes!  She said just a moment and took the spindle around the corner, I followed her and told her I could do that for her company.  She went back and told the guy yes and the relationship began before I ever said hello.  I noticed the balusters he purchased were pretty plain and asked Betty, after the customer was gone, if I added a rope pattern to the stock part, if she thought it would sell.  She said bring me one and we will see.  I ordered the Wood-Chuck that day and the rest is history.  I've watch the Legacy grow out of the Woodchuck as steel and then aluminum, then to CNC.  But I still hold on to the Woodchuck because of all the things I can do with it, you just can't with the Legacy red line.  My business was 80% based on the turning and roping and 20% on radius mill-work using the Woodchuck or the Williams and Hussy molder.  30 years was a great run and now, looking back, the greatest twist that ever came from the ornamental world was the friends I have made.  Some friends have passed on and others are immortal but fellow sawdust chewers and customers alike have a huge place in my heart.  I found a Customer-friend-student to pass on my twisted ways to. Doug said to me when we first started the possibility of him taking the business, that he loved to see a piece of lumber and visualize what was in there.  I knew right then that he was going to be a great fit!  I'm a lucky man to have had the opportunities I have had.  I guess my secret is this, when asked "Could you do this?" My response is always "Absolutely!  Then I figure out how and smile at what I got myself into.  Never second guess, just get started.  I love this group because I see a lot of the same attitude.  I'm proud of you all!  I am always here if anyone needs help.  And will always be a LiLtwisted.

Mike OK

Mike Pung 405-650-0542

On 5/12/2024 5:24 AM, Timothy Krause wrote:
Hello All,

I thought I would toss this question out to hear why you bought your ornamental mill. For me, I bought my first machine when I wanted to bring a different level of details to my current work. I was in a real niche market that I wanted to do some woodworking "tricks" that few people could figure out how they were made.

How about you?


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