On 20 Jul 2006  program-info wrote:

> If you have a crash, it is generally Windows that crashes. What we do
> is to have a number of virtual drives set up on the computer, C, D, E,
> etc.  C has only Windows and hardware, all our programs and data are on
> other drives. This way, if something does crash with Windows, we only
> have to restore that, and our programs and data are out of the way and
> just fine.

I don't believe this is protecting your data in any way.

A virtual drive is still on the same physical hard drive so any drive 
failure will likely lose your data.  Furthermore needing to restore 
Windows on a C: drive would not affect your Legacy data files 
residing on that same (virtual or physical) drive unless someone was 
to foolishly reformat or re-partition it.

I'd suggest you rethink your backup philosophy.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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