
You have expressed it better than anyone else has.  I, too, want ONLY to
know the best way to handle it.  But I dare never ask.  I went to the
archives.  However, I find it just as absurd and ridiculous that we cant
discuss the best way to make an entry of any relationship in our families.
ALL families have them whether people know or want to know or not.  

I am sick and tired of the fact that every time a new person comes onto the
list and asks how to record it, every one gets up in arms.  They didn't
state a belief against it or for it.  

I have used Legacy for several years and am now comtemplating leaving it.
I'm not contemplating it based on the topic or the fact that someone asks a
legitimate question of how to best record a relationship in his or her
family.  NO.  I am contemplating it based on the fact that the Legacy
administrators would rather ban a topic of legitimate discussion than to
tell those that get up in arms not read a topic they don't like.  No one has
to open a message if they don't like the topic. That is simple enough. As
you said, how many times does the topic of adoption or foster children, etc
come up and there is heated debate but, admin sits silent?

I hope the Legacy admin will take a look at this again and take a different
approach.  Rather than ban a topic because someone doesn't like it, help
with the discussion and tell those that don't like it that they don't have
to read it.  

What about all the abortions that occur in your families?  How do you record
them?  Since many believe that life begins at conception, do you record the
child and the date of their murder and the name of the murderer?

I am still curious about the best way to record my own relationship of 15
years, but I will go to the archives......again.


"What a glorious world God Almighty has given us. How thankless and
ungrateful we are, and how we labor to mar His gifts." ~ Gen. Robert E. Lee,

Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Please take it off list -- IT'S A LEGITMATE QUERY,

As long is this list is not restricted exclusively to Legacy users who are
rigidly academic genealogical purists, the subject is without question a
legitimate one. It could even be argued that it's extremely relevant to pure
genealogy, as well. After all, if homosexuality is ever proven to be
genetically determined, one might expect future members of their blood line
to find it helpful to to know whether it "runs in the family".

People simply want to know the best way of documenting these relationships
in their family
histories and/or how to process them specifically with their Legacy
software. There is nothing about the decision to include this subject in
their histories that is any more wrong or offensive than any other of the
other non-mainstream events that come up.
(I'm guessing most of these might be similarly offensive to those who
have a moral objection to homosexuality; if so, I'd be curious to know how
they deal with these *problems* in their family trees.)

As far as
I can see, the only reason the discussion goes on and on and on and on is
because users feel compelled to respond with their opinions on (1) the
appropriateness or inappropriateness of same sex relationships, (2) whether
it's right or wrong for Legacy not to revise its code in order to more
easily deal with these relationships, or, (3) most frequently, whether the
query should even be posed in the first place. 

I see similarly heated responses to other subjects, especially adoption. So
why has this volatile subject not been banned? 


Since I engage in genealogy out of a great
love of history, research, my heritage, my children, and the pursuit of
knowledge, it's not for me to *edit* or censor the facts. If it's reality,
whether it's good or bad, a source of pride or embarrassment, interesting or
boring, it still DOES belong the history. Period. My two cents.

Feel free to flame me on or off list... 8-D

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