I've been on both sides of software updates (programmer writing fixes;
system administrator trying to ensure a new release doesn't break anything
critical to a 24/7 operation).

My experience is that *very* few people ever read a detailed "fix list" if
it's more than a couple of pages.  As a system admin responsible for a
dozen UNIX machines that supported 200+ users, I was one of those few

If a "fix list" item identifies the person who reported the problem,
privacy requirements usually mean that the list must be "cleaned" before
general release.

Unless the reporting system is set up to track and respond to the person
who reports a problem, that person may never know there is a fix.

Would I read every line of a 12 page list of Legacy fixes/enhancements?
Probably not.

Would I do search such a list if it were available electronically?
Maybe twice a year.

Is it worth the additional costs that would be incurred?
I don't think so.

I still do some software development (PDA software for equipment control)
and most of the small fixes are only noted in the source code, then
bundled into the next major fix.  Major items are fixed as they occur and
sent out to the client with the (usually very short) list of fixes.

There's also the very different mindset of those with high speed internet
access and those with dialup on their only phone line.  I have the luxury
of fast DSL at home, but occasionally find myself in locations which have
a single phone line.  If your normal access is high speed, you should try
dialup only for several weeks...


> Dev,
> Not all of the changes are applicable to all the "regional versions" [my
> term by which I do not mean language]. For example in the UK and certain
> other versions, for reports instead of reading "died at age" it now reads
> "died aged". Do you seriously expect changes in wording for *all* changes
> in *all* languages and *all* regional versions to be included in the list?
> BTW I did know this one was coming but not when, and found it myself.
> Ron Ferguson
> _____________________________________________________________________

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