Mike Fry wrote:
JLB wrote:

To me, it is a space or screen estate problem. The area between the list of sources and the buttons is used to display details from the selected source. This is presented as data from the Master Source record first, followed by data from the Source Detail record. The File ID # is part of the Source Detail record and as such, may or may not show depending on the amount of data in the Master Record and Detail Records that precede it. I think that this is the reason why some File ID #s appear and some don't.

It could also be something as simple as the Detail Information Tab not having a check mark in the bottom left box "Add this Detail to the Source Citation on Reports" or in the box labeled "Include this Citation on Reports." There are too many variables here for accuracy without seeing all the settings possible.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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