Invisible characters -  now there's an idea...


John Carter wrote:
If I understand you correctly, using this sequence
Name List -> Sources -> some source -> Detail button
a specific source shows a File ID for some people but not for others.

I have encountered that.  What I found was two sources with what appeared
to be the same name (Legacy identified one as Master Source 25, the other
as Master Source 32).

I printed the two lists (View -> Master Lists -> Source -> select source
-> Show List -> Print) and edited the people on the shorter list to use
the other source, then deleted the duplicate source (although Legacy did
NOT find any duplicate sources - my guess is that one had an extra space
at the end or some other "invisible" character in it).


I don't know what else to say about it.  I'm not 'complaining' about
anything.  I'm simply stating a fact.  I'm not stupid, apparently just
inarticulate, although I write for a living.  I will repeat myself and
see if that makes it more understandable.  When I click on a Source
under the Sources tab, in the Name List, where I know there is a File
ID# attached, sometimes the File ID# shows itself and sometimes it does
not.  You're right, there is no File ID # 'field' on the name list.
However if I, or you, click on a Source under the Sources tab, a summary
of it will show in the free space under the Sources List.  i.e. name of
the Source, Detail Information and File ID# is there is such a thing.
It's not about lack of space.  The File ID# is simply erratic about
showing up or not showing up, when I know there is a File ID# there that
could be showing up.


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