Mike Fry wrote
Ah! Light dawns! Now I understand! As I surmised, the area below the source list that purports to contain the source citation as it would appear on a report(?) is just not large enough in all cases to contain the citation detail. In some cases, the File ID # appears and in others, it doesn't. A correction would be to add the ability to scroll the details when it overflows the assigned space. Try reporting it as a bug just like that to Millennia.

But is the OP referring to the File ID of the Master Source or the Source Detail?

Now that I (partly) understand the nature of the problem I have tried a few variations myself. I don't usually have a File ID connected to a Master Source, only to most Source Details, but I have added one to a couple of additional Master Sources for test purposes. In either case, the File ID is showing up every time *provided there is room for it*. Thus, the Master Source File ID is usually there, provided there isn't too much wording in the Title and Publication Facts and the Source Detail File ID is more rarely showing.

Jenny M Benson

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