While we're on the subject of color, I had an idea for the Assigned Sources window. How about if each field lights up (a pleasant yellow) if there's no source there but there should be? Nothing like a little visual incentive.
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

Alfred F. Schwilk wrote:
I like the idea of notification but I'm not in favor of a Pop-up window.
How about making the scroll bar RED and changing it back to the default color after scrolling. This would eliminate the pop-up and also the extra click to close the pop-up down.
I think this is a little more in line with color changes in your program.
San Jose, California

Geoff Rasmussen wrote:
Your experience below has given me what I think could be a good idea. You, and others have not noticed that there were more fields to be filled in. In
our Merging feature, when comparing two individuals, if there are more
events than will fit on the screen, you can scroll to view them. If you
attempt to merge the two people without scrolling to see all of the events, Legacy pops up a statement saying "You haven't looked at all of the events
yet. Would you still like to merge the people anyway?"

What do you think about this idea - if you click on the Save button in the SourceWriter, but there are more fields that you haven't scrolled down to see, Legacy could pop up a statement/question about the additional fields.
This may prevent us from not noticing the additional fields.


Geoff Rasmussen
Millennia Corporation

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