On Sat, 3 Jan 2009 11:39:22 -0800, "Kirsten Bowman" <vik...@rvi.net>

>Seems like a bug to me.  If only one member of a couple is entered along
>with marriage information, then the inclusion of "someone" in the report
>wording would be appropriate.  When the second person's name is added later,
>it seems that name should then simply override or cancel out the "someone"
>instead of having it become "someone John Jones" and/or instead of having to
>go through the extra steps that you listed.  I'm thinking that if a blank
>name field would trigger addition of the word "someone" in a report, then
>adding a name to the field should likewise toggle the "someone" off.  Am I
>misinterpreting the way the program works?

But does the program know how the word "someone" got placed there in the
first place? Does it know that it is there because it (the program) put
it there? Or is the word "someone" there because a user put it there? If
the latter, should the program automatically correct it?

I don't have a horse in this race because I use V6. I just wanted to
point out something to consider.

Dennis Kowallek

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