Ron, my response was in my own work. Because I'm working a descendancy, I nearly always have a marriage before I have children (I cannot recall a time when this wasn't true, but surely I have an unmarried parents somewhere!). My primary exception is in adding the parents of a newly acquired spouse, at which time I know both parents.

My response in this thread was really to address your statement: "I haven't been able to pin it down but the order in which one adds partners now seems to be more important than it once was, eg to avoid problems 'marry' the couple before giving them children!"

Because most people are working backwards, searching ancestors, most data entry will be from the child to the parent, rather than having a marriage and adding children. It appears people are having a problem when they try to add one parent without knowing both parents, then running a report to see what things look like. I also rarely run reports for my own use, but have tried them when problems arise here, so I don't run into as many problems as others.

researching the descendants of William and Sarah (Patterson) Thompson

----- Original Message ----- From: "ronald ferguson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 3:31 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Someone

Correction please see below:

Ron Ferguson


Now completely revised
View the Grimshaw Family Tree at:
For The Fergusons of N.W. England See:

Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Someone
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 23:59:01 +0000


The procedure which you adopt should not, in my experience, lead to any problems. In fact it is pretty much the order in which I also enter data.

I cannot see how the wife is "always" after the father - I have examples of having a father and not knowing the mother.

should read "of having a mother and not knowing the father" (of course)

However, that is an aside, the point being that one should excercise care when adding a partner to an individual with children. As far as I can see the sexes of the parent/partner does not matter.

Others may have found the situation arising under circumstances different to those I have examined but I have only reproduced it when there is an unknown partner and a new partner is being added. As I said, I cannot pin point the exact conditions.

I have not experienced it in my own work.

Ron Ferguson


Now completely revised
View the Grimshaw Family Tree at:
For The Fergusons of N.W. England See:

Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Someone
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 13:45:09 -0900

Ron said:

As is known, should an individual have a child and there is no existing
'marriage' then Legacy creates one, and unless told otherwise will enter
"Joe Bloggs married Unknown/someone" in reports. However there now seems to
be a change in the way that this is treated if a partner is subsequently
added. I haven't been able to pin it down but the order in which one adds
partners now seems to be more important than it once was, eg to avoid
problems 'marry' the couple before giving them children!

Ron, in v7, a very routine procedure for me:

1. I add a wife to a fellow already in my database
2. I add the wife's father
3. I add the wife's mother

Never do I go to add new individual without knowing the relationship ahead of time, so I would never add the wife's mother and father and then link to an existing child. The wife, by the way, is always added subsequent to the father. Not knowing how to add more than one person at a time, one is always subsequent to the other. I just tested several of my people in an ancestor book report and nowhere does the name "someone" appear. I'm aware that what
we are discussing is the case of knowing the mother, but not knowing the
father, then later learning the name of the father. Are people creating a
new person, or are they changing the name of the unknown person already
linked to the mother?

researching the descendants of William and Sarah (Patterson) Thompson

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