Dave Johnson wrote
Now I am wondering if it is worth the effort to make a digital copy of each census record to include with each reference to the census document in Resident, Occupation, Emigration, and Religion Events.

How would you professionals answer this query?

May a non-professional offer an opinion?!

I don't actually create separate Events for each column on a Census as you do, just entering everything as a Census Event. (I do, though, use the Census for a Source for name, age and place of birth.) I attach a digital image of the Census page to the Source Detail, but I don't print this on Reports.

I keep the digital images because I am frequently wanting to refer back to the page for various reasons and I can't always be sure that I will have access to the online image at any time I might want it - Internet connection not available for some reason, subscription to Census website lapsed, Census website temporarily down, etc. Vast amounts of storage space are available quite cheaply nowadays so keeping hundreds of images is not a problem, although I do trim the images and do not save in colour.
Jenny M Benson

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