
On subject of birth name vs later aka used as primary.  You may be interested 
in a book called "Getting It Right, the Definitive Guide to Recording Family 
History Accurately."  by Mary H.Slawson, published by Deseret Book Company in 
2002.  I believe it is available through Amazon.com, I have no financial 
interest.  She uses the earliest recorded version of name, birth certificate or 
church record, as primary and rest as AKA.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny M Benson <ge...@cedarbank.me.uk>
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyFamilyTree.com
Sent: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 4:34 pm
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Questions from a new user

Ralph Schwonke wrote 
>4. Is there a convention for entering a person’s primary name versus >the AKA? 
>For instance, my grandfather was born and baptized in Germany >as Friedrich 
>Carl Schwonke, but he was known in the USA for most of his >life as Charles 
>Schwonke. Which name should be the primary and which >the AKA? 
I don't think there is a hard and fast rule, but personally I use the name the 
person was mostly known as in the Name field and the other, less used name in 
the AKA field. 
The other option is to use a "quoted given name" where you enter the forenames 
as Friedrich Carl "Charles." There are Options for different ways to use quoted 
names in Reports and I prefer to set it so the report reads "Friedrich Carl 
Schwonke was born ... Charles did this, that and the other." 
-- Jenny M
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