Amy wrote:
Using Vista and Legacy I am fairly new to Legacy and do not use all the features I see on this list Wow, it is mind boggling! Well anyway, please clarify something for me................ When attaching pictures, I attached some that were saved on CD' they do not show up. Is it only pics that are stored on your computer? Does Legacy store only path names and not the actual picture?

That's exactly right!

The pictures on CD will show up if the right CD is present whilst the program is running.

Legacy only store pathnames, not copies of picture files. You would be best advised to copy the CD-based pictures onto your hard disk. Then, remove the CD and try to access a picture that is on the CD. When Legacy complains that it can't find the picture, avail yourself of the option to find the picture for yourself. Locate and select the missing picture from your hard disk. As a result, all other picture that were formerly on CD should now be 'found' by Legacy.

Best regards,
Mike Fry

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