Alan, I have answered all of your questions below....

Interesting so you don't use the default Census event but instead use an
event for each Census?  I had not thought about that.  I guess that
works better with the sentence structure and wording?

I have a separate event for every federal census year (1790 through 1930) and I have separate events for assorted state censuses (for example, 1845 Mississippi State Census) as well as territorial census (1816 Mississippi Territorial Census). It is nice and tidy and prints nice. That isn't that many really. There are 14 for the federal census.

I see for what I assume is your notes section you list each family
member that was on the Census.  So do you put that same event in for
each person so that in your first example the exact same event (notes
and all) for B.F. Graham, Sarah Ann, Archibald, Sarah E, Isabella, and
William?  I figure you would so that a report for any one person would
show everything and one knows who the Head of House Hold was etc.

Yes, your are looking at the notes section. I do attach the census to everyone that is included in that census. I do it that why because that is what was suggested on the Legacy videos and I have found it to be useful. If I do an individual report, you will get all of the info. If I only attached it to the head of household it would be harder to look at the person as a whole, their migration (from when they were in their parents' household, to their marriage household, to the household of one of their children)/

I also noted that you did not put down unable to read or write for the
kids.  I got a kick out of finding my Grandfather on a Census entry and
it saying could not read or write when i knew he could then i realized
he was 3 at the time of the Census.

I write it as written. You will find all kinds of silly things on the census. For example, boys listed as girls, girls listed as boys, a head of household (who was in his 50s) listed as being 12. If it isn't a glaring error, I will mark it with a [sic]. Also, the census I copied is actually one that needs to be redone. I prefer listing it as unable to read or write, speaks English (separating the speaking of English out of the reading and writing).


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