Mary Trogg wrote
Finally, as I find facts, I add to a short biography to notes. It's more interesting to read that a family moved from one state to another because the wife was hopelessly homesick, than to read the family lived in Minnesota, moved to Illinois and then back to Minnesota.

I can choose to print either notes or events or both on a report depending on the recipient. Like I said labor intensive, but it appeals to my compulsive nature. I'm sure there are flaws to this system, but I print few reports and so far it works for me.

That's got to be a good idea because it's one I have recently been mulling over in my mind!

I probably wouldn't implement it exactly as you describe, but the basic idea is the same - putting everything into Events but writing a more flowing narrative in Notes.

Funnily enough I wrote to another LUGger off-list only a couple of hours ago describing this, but saying I hadn't quite worked it out enough to "go public" with the idea!
Jenny M Benson

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