No, that is not what I meant.  I know the children can by sorted by
birth date. I am talking about the ability to sort the index by birth
date as well as by name or RIN. This has been discussed before on the
list but there does not seem to be enough interest for Legacy to add
this feature.


On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Arnold Sprague
<> wrote:
> Chick,
> One way is to go to the children, if this is what you are writing about,
> right-click on them, left-click on "Children's Settings...," and move the
> kids up/down with the up/down arrows found in the lower right-hand corner.
> All features are there in Legacy.
> Arnold Sprague
> At 02:21 PM 10/21/2009, you wrote:
>> I too am a convertee from FTM16, although I did try FTM 2008 and 2009.
>> Needless to say I was disappointed with both.  I am very happy with
>> Legacy 7 and learning new things every day.  This is a great thread,
>> and although I love all the features already mentioned, my favorite
>> has to be the wonderful support from the Legacy staff.  Sherry, Brian,
>> et all are great.  I would like to see the ability to sort on birth
>> date though.  That is the ONLY feature I miss from FTM.
>> Chick Lewis
>> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 8:50 AM, RICHARD SCHULTHIES
>> <> wrote:
>> > In response to the question 'what I don't like about Legacy', I used to
>> > have a long list, but most have been fixed (submitted by me and others),
>> > some are still pending, and I tried for a while to come up with a new list
>> > and couldn't. My favorite part is the flexibility of Events.
>> > Rich in LA CA
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message ----
>> > From: Jenny M Benson <>
>> > To:
>> > Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 1:47:13 AM
>> > Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Favorite Features
>> >
>> > Brian L. Lightfoot wrote
>> >> But I've often wondered if we dared to start a new thread called "The
>> >> least liked features of Legacy". I've come close to that in the past and a
>> >> few jumped all over me with nasty words to the effect that if I didn't 
>> >> like
>> >> it here, I should go elsewhere. Well, those people have come and gone but
>> >> even at this time, I remain a little gun-shy about posting a laundry list 
>> >> of
>> >> those items. I'll just wait for them to eventually pop up one at a time 
>> >> and
>> >> add my sentiments then. Unless somebody else wants to test the 
>> >> waters.....?
>> >
>> > Off-hand, I can't think of any features that really peeve me, just a few
>> > things I'd like to see which have been aired here before - and often
>> > submitted by me or others as enhancement suggestions.  There are probably
>> > quite a few features I never use, but just because I personally have no 
>> > need
>> > of them doesn't mean I am not very happy for them to be there for others.  
>> > I
>> > *do* like the way the LDS features can all be tucked away out of site so
>> > they don't clutter the screen up for those who don't use them, but the
>> > generosity of the LDS towards *all* genealogists is incredible and I
>> > begrudge them nothing.
>> > -- Jenny M Benson
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