Thank you for your answers; this leads me to yet another question,
however.  If Legacy is going to my HD to find the docs & images (which
is why changing locations & names would totally mess up my file), then
what is being backed up when it asks where to back up the multi media
files?  If it were actually backing up those image files, that would
be perfect, wouldn't it?  Then all the images would be in a separate
back up file just like our data files.  But if that's not what's in
the multi media backup, then what is being backed up? Just the links
to the images maybe?


On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 10:50 PM, Rick Merrill <> wrote:
> Kathy,
> One question though, I've noticed many people name their files using a
> dash "-" to separate fields.  Is there a reason that you use that as
> opposed to say a period "." or underline "_" or just a space?  I hope
> no one complains about this thread because I am really learning an
> awful lot here.
> 1. I first started with comas and spaces, but then I was told that if
> I ever uploaded my images to the internet there would be problems
> this the comas and spaces.  So now I use  _ and - to seperate the
> words.
> Another related question:  If I attach an image to my Legacy file
> (using this filing system or any other) and then later get organized
> and change how I file my images/documents on my hard drive, won't that
> confuse Legacy?  Because won't it go to the original place on the HD
> that I attached it from?  Or is that image now permanently stored in
> the Legacy multi media back up as a separate, copied file?
> 2. Yep, that will confuse Legacy since it does not copy the image into
> Legacy.  It just puts the address on where to fine the picture.  So if you
> change the name of the image or the location you have tell Legacy where
> you moved it to.  But that is a whole other discution.
> Rick
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Kathy Meyer
"To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things
you have never before done."
--Richard G. Scott, "Finding the Way Back," Ensign, May 1990, 74

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting
different results. ~ Albert Einstein

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