Unfortuntely, that is exactly what I find a lot of people doing. It is
indicates the mentality that the more people who cite this particular
source, the more valuable it must be.

My point being is how many primary sources do you find for say a birth
record? Late enough you may have the actual certificate -you may have the
county register for that certificate, and you may have a bible reference.
But when it boils down to it - you have the certificate. Now you may have a
dozen books citiing that certificate and a ton of folks will cite all dozen
books - but those are secondary sources all citing the original certificate
or register. How many of those do you really need?

On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 6:43 PM, Larry Lee <ldlee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Jackie,
> Even if you were to find 18 secondary sources that mention the same
> primary source you wouldn't find or even be working with all 18 at the same
> time would you? This is the part I am not understanding.
> Larry Lee
> ldlee...@gmail.com
> On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 5:33 PM, Jackie King <jskin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I understand how it works in theory - but since I find most of my
>> multiple sources all actually cite the same source (say 18 books that cite
>> the same original source), I find i use this very little since I prefer to
>> go back to the original source - and hopefully later be able to obtain the
>> documentation for myself.
>> There may be times it is useful... I just haven't found it.
>> On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 6:08 PM, Larry Lee <ldlee...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> CE,
>>> I am glad to know there is someone who uses this option and I understand
>>> it theoretically but am having trouble understanding how this works in
>>> reality.
>>> Could you provide a simple example of how you have 5 or more sources at
>>> the same time for any given piece of information? I really am struggling to
>>> grasp this.
>>> Maybe it would be something I could use if I knew how.
>>> Larry Lee
>>> ldlee...@gmail.com
>>> On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 4:42 PM, CE WOOD <wood...@msn.com> wrote:
>>>> It is SO wonderful to have the multiple source option  back! I have
>>>> SCADS of times when I have found sources that document an event and
>>>> have been SO frustrated at having to enter each source separately since
>>>> Legacy removed the ability to apply multiple sources at the same time. Too
>>>> many times, I have had to expend inordinate amounts of time and
>>>> effort entering five (and even more) sources to an event for dozens of
>>>> individuals!
>>>> When you have multiple source that confirm an event, it is imperative
>>>> to have the ability to enter all the sources at one time. Hours of effort
>>>> and frustration saved.
>>>> I am SO VERY glad Legacy has restored this much needed function!!!!!!!!!
>>>> CE
>>>> > From: whbosw...@gmail.com
>>>> > To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
>>>> > Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Source Clipboards 1 to 5
>>>> > Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 10:03:44 -0500
>>>> >
>>>> > Thank you for explaining this because I was confused about applying
>>>> five sources at once. I've never used this nor do I think I ever will. I do
>>>> save some clipboard items then apply each of them as needed then delete
>>>> them. This sounds like a feature that should have stayed gone. It sounds
>>>> like an accident waiting to happen when someone inadvertently goes to apply
>>>> what they think is one source then applies up to five.
>>>> >
>>>> > Bill Boswell
>>>> >
>>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>>> > From: Wendy Howard [mailto:wendy.how...@gmail.com]
>>>> > Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2014 3:46 AM
>>>> > To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
>>>> > Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Source Clipboards 1 to 5
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi Kathy,
>>>> >
>>>> > I've never had five sources that I wanted to apply all at the same
>>>> time to the same items of data!
>>>> >
>>>> > But assuming you did, you'd want to go into Customise > Sources and
>>>> set
>>>> > 7.5 Clipboard capacity to "Allow up to five sources at once on the
>>>> Source Clipboard".
>>>> >
>>>> > Then when you open the Source Clipboard, you will see "Source 1",
>>>> "Source 2", etc. Set up the first source, then click on "Source 2" and set
>>>> up the second one, and so on.
>>>> >
>>>> > When you've set up as many sources (up to five) as you need, you can
>>>> then apply those sources to any item of data you enter into your database.
>>>> You can only apply all the set-up sources together, you can't pick and
>>>> choose which one you'll use.
>>>> >
>>>> > Personally, I've not yet come across any situation where I'd find
>>>> this useful - but I'm sure that day will come. When this option was removed
>>>> a while back there were apparently many complaints, so it has been
>>>> reinstated.
>>>> >
>>>> > If you don't want to see the five source tabs in the Source
>>>> Clipboard, go to 7.5 Clipboard capacity and select "Only allow one source
>>>> on the Source Clipboard" - that's the option I have selected for now, until
>>>> such time as I find a need to apply more than one source at a time.
>>>> >
>>>> > Hope this helps. :-)
>>>> >
>>>> > Wendy
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