Thanks for the list. I'll pass it on to a friend who is back to Medieval times.

I agree that sometimes secondary sources are all
you have and you have to rely on the scholarly
work of others. Various medieval scholars
agreeing strengthens the argument. Quite
different from a number of Ancestry trees
agreeing and one being different. I'd give
serious consideration to the different one in
that case unless the others referred to a primary source.

But I still don't get how I'd use multiple
clipboards. The way I work, I'd explore one
source at a time. I know enough from discussing
things with my friend, that sources like these
often don't agree and even some that do don't
make sense when the dates are looked at closely.

When I started a branch of my family I had a
number of family trees from family members in
that branch. It was only by entering them one at
a time that I became aware of the differences
between them and was able to even ask the
relevant questions to find the most reliable and
seek primary sources. I recall I fleetingly
thought of using the multiple clipboards but soon
realised it would be far more time consuming for
me to do that. I think that was when I learnt that they all attach together.

I'm glad it works for you. Different methods do
work for different people because we think differently.


At 12:06 PM 13/01/2014, you wrote:
>Obviously you do not yet have mediaeval
>ancestors in your file, for whom original
>documents are mostly non-existent, confused by
>persons with the same names and title living at
>the same time, and for whom only RELIABLE
>secondary sources are possible. For these MANY
>people, having several of these RELIABLE
>secondary sources agree on the facts is
>essential to surety that the fact is correct, ie:
>Altschul, Michael, A Baronial Family in Medieval
>England: The Clares, 1217-1314. Baltimore: John
>Hopkins Press, 1965. Dana Library (Rutgers Newark) CS439.C6285.
>A concurrence of such RELIABLE secondary sources
>os essential to have surety. It is essential to list them ALL.
>If you have only one source for an event, that
>is not a problem. But when, to verify events,
>you need have the concurrence of many RELIABLE
>sources, having to enter all of them each time
>is, often literally, a royal pain, and VERY time-consuming.
>Oh, yes, you need to make sure that you are
>attaching the correct clipboard. That obtains,
>no matter whether your clipboard contains one or
>five sources. But having to change clipboards 5
>times for each event for each of dozens of
>people is much more headache-producing than
>having to remember what you have on your clipboard.
>This is not a problem for you now, but you may
>yet find mediaeval ancestors, and find this an
>incredible time-saver/boon/welcome return.
> > From: genea...@gmail.com
> > To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> > Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Source Clipboards 1 to 5
> > Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 11:17:28 +0800
> >
> > I'm among those who haven't found a use for
> > multiple source clipboards. When they existed
> > before I got tired of explaining to people that
> > they all attached at once as so many though only the front tab would.
> >
> > I can't imagine using multiple clipboards in this
> > way either, Michelle. I'd get a massive headache
> > and it would take far longer than doing them one
> > at a time. Different children are at home in
> > different censuses. Either the younger ones
> > aren't born or the older ones have left home.
> >
> > Besides, I would have entered it as the source
> > for relationship when I was entering the details
> > I'd learnt from the census if I was wanting to
> > source the relationship. A lot of my data entry
> > was done before we could source the relationship
> > and I was used to putting this information in for
> > the name of parents and child. Now I tend to only
> > specifically source the relationships for direct
> > line and for people where the relationship has been difficult to find.
> >
> > Any other examples?
> > Like Larry, I can't see any use at all for
> > multiple source clipboards which all attach at
> > once. On the other hand there is value in the
> > Load and Save option to keep some sources quickly
> > and easily accessible, with or without their current detail.
> >
> > Cathy
> >
> > At 09:58 AM 13/01/2014, you wrote:
> > >Here is an example. Let’s say you are going
> > >to use multiple census rs records as a source for
> > >something. You can put them all on the
> > >clipboard and paste them all at once. Â An
> > >example of that is using multiple censuses to
> > >show the relationship of the children to the
> > >parents or the marriage of the parents.
> > >
> > >Michele
> > >Technical Support
> > ><mailto:mich...@legacyfamilytree.com>mich...@legacyfamilytree.com
> > >www.LegacyFamilyTree.com
> > >
> > >From: Larry Lee [mailto:ldlee...@gmail.com]
> > >Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2014 7:09 PM
> > >To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> > >Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Source Clipboards 1 to 5
> > >
> > >CE,
> > >
> > >I am glad to know there is someone who uses this
> > >option and I understand it theoretically but am
> > >having trouble understanding how this works in reality.
> > >
> > >Could you provide a simple example of how you
> > >have 5 or more sources at the same time for any
> > >given piece of information? I really am struggling to grasp this.
> > >
> > >Maybe it would be something I could use if I knew how.
> > >
> > >Larry Lee
> > >ldlee.<mailto:a...@gmail.com>a...@gmail.com
> > >
> > >
> > >On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 4:42 PM, CE WOOD
> > ><<mailto:wood...@msn.com>wood...@msn.com> wrote:
> > >It is SO wonderful to have the multiple source
> > >option back! I have SCADS of times when I have
> > >found sources that document an event and have
> > >been SO frustrated at having to enter each
> > >source separately since Legacy removed the
> > >ability to apply multiple sources at the same
> > >time. Too many times, I have had to expend
> > >inordinate amounts of time and effort entering
> > >five (and even more) sources to an event for dozens of individuals!
> > >
> > >When you have multiple source that confirm an
> > >event, it is imperative to have the ability to
> > >enter all the sources at one time. Hours of effort and frustration saved.
> > >
> > >I am SO VERY glad Legacy has restored this much needed function!!!!!!!!!
> > >
> > >
> > >CE

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