Hi Arthur,

In Legacy, there are addresses and locations. They might appear to be
the same, but they're separate fields in the program.

"1... the Event Address list contains a lot of duplicates... Is there a
way to get round this so that they are automatically combined?"

I choose to put the entire address into the Location field, and don't
use the Event Address field at all (except for some early entries that I
haven't changed yet). That's my choice, others may do things differently
- Legacy is a very flexible program, so there are choices like this to
be made.

In my experience, before I made this decision to use only Locations,
you're not given the opportunity to apply an existing address. This does
happen in the Location field, which was one of my reasons for going the
way I did. Mind, I've been doing it this way for years now and there may
have been changes made to this area of the program in the meantime. You
may find the Help useful to find out more.

You can combine Event Addresses if you wish - go to the Master Event
Address List (View > Master Lists > Address Lists > Event), select one
address then click on the button "Combine the highlighted event address
with another one in the list"; next click on the address you want to
combine this one with, then click on the button which now says
"Highlight the Destination, then Click this Button". You've now combined
the two addresses, and only the second one remains in the list.

"2. Some of the imported addresses show "n/a - " before the address.
What does this mean, and is there a way to prevent it?"

n/a usually means "not applicable". I don't know if you can prevent that
from appearing.

"3. What is the best way to differentiate between apparently identical
addresses which belong in different locations (eg St Peter's Church in
two different towns)?"

My choice is to include the street address if I know it, and the town,
county (or whatever it is called in this particular place), and country.
I put all of this into the Location field.  For example (and I've made
these up so don't go looking for them!):

St Paul's Church, corner Smith Road and East Street, York, England
St Paul's Church, Little Town, New Zealand
St Paul's Church, 509 Hillside Avenue, San Francisco, California, United
States of America

When you open the Master Location List you can sort the locations in a
variety of ways. I usually find "left to right" and "right to left" all
I need. The former will sort all three of these locations above
together, the latter will sort them amongst other locations in the same
country, etc. Either way, they're very easily found when you need to do

I've taken screen shots of what portions of my Master Location List look
like, if you're interested:

Sorted left-to-right -

Sorted right-to-left -

It can be an interesting exercise looking through this list. In the
second image, for example, I can see locations where I've forgotten to
put in the country! Waipukurau and Wairakei are both in New Zealand, as
is Wellington, and there's an Australian location there, too. It will be
a very quick exercise for me to correct these via the Master Location List.

Hope this gives you some food for thought. :-)


Arthur & Pauline Kennedy wrote on 11/01/2015 09:27:
> I'm thinking of returning to Legacy after an 8-9 year absence and have
> been looking at the Standard version ( I'm trying to work out
> how I would deal with Event Addresses, which appear to be handled a bit
> differently from the program I am currently using.
> 1. Looking at it straight after importing a GEDCOM, it appears that the
> Event Address list contains a lot of duplicates, and that each instance
> that was used in the other program has become a separate item in Legacy.
> Is there a way to get round this so that they are automatically combined?
> 2. Some of the imported addresses show "n/a - " before the address. What
> does this mean, and is there a way to prevent it?
> 3. What is the best way to differentiate between apparently identical
> addresses which belong in different locations (eg St Peter's Church in
> two different towns)? I've experimented with putting the town next to
> the church name, but in [[privacy brackets]], and this seems to work,
> but is there a better way? I'd want to make sure that reports didn't
> look silly with the location name repeated, and that any GEDCOM export
> also made sense.
> Thanks for any help,
> Arthur

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