Thanks for the reply, Wendy. In response:

On 13/01/2015 00:57, Wendy Howard wrote:
> Hi Arthur,
> In Legacy, there are addresses and locations. They might appear to be
> the same, but they're separate fields in the program.
> "1... the Event Address list contains a lot of duplicates... Is there a
> way to get round this so that they are automatically combined?"
> I choose to put the entire address into the Location field, and don't
> use the Event Address field at all (except for some early entries that I
> haven't changed yet). That's my choice, others may do things differently
> - Legacy is a very flexible program, so there are choices like this to
> be made.
In my current program I've only got part-way through converting the
single-field locations into separate location and address fields, and my
experiments so far make me wonder if I should be recombining them. As
well as the issue I've had here in Legacy, a different program has put
the Address data into the event Notes field, which is clear enough and
presents reasonably on the reports I would do, but doesn't seem quite
right to me.

> In my experience, before I made this decision to use only Locations,
> you're not given the opportunity to apply an existing address.
This kind of rings a bell with me from when I tried this out years ago
in v.5, and since I could see I was going to end up with a long long
list of addresses I decided to stick with the single field. (It's only
in my current software that I've actually started making the changes.)

> You can combine Event Addresses if you wish - go to the Master Event
> Address List (View > Master Lists > Address Lists > Event), select one
> address then click on the button "Combine the highlighted event address
> with another one in the list"; next click on the address you want to
> combine this one with, then click on the button which now says
> "Highlight the Destination, then Click this Button". You've now combined
> the two addresses, and only the second one remains in the list.
Thanks - I just wondered if there was some way of doing this more

> "3. What is the best way to differentiate between apparently identical
> addresses which belong in different locations (eg St Peter's Church in
> two different towns)?"
> My choice is to include the street address if I know it, and the town,
> county (or whatever it is called in this particular place), and country.
> I put all of this into the Location field.
Yes - if you're using a single Location field it's not really a problem,
because you'd get things like:
St Peter's Church, Bradford
St Peter's Church, Leeds
plus whatever other elements you choose to include, such as street,
county, country etc, and as these would all show in the location list,
it would be easy to select the right one.

What I'd wondered was, if you're separating the Address from the
Location, how in the address list do you distinguish between two
different St Peter's Churches. With parish churches, I don't usually
include a street name, so unless I included something else in the
address field I wouldn't be able to tell which was which.

If, as you say, there isn't an option to select an existing address when
entering a location, then at least the potential confusion is avoided
there. But trying to combine addresses could be a lengthy process as it
would involve a search list for each one to see who used it and which
location it was attached to, in order to make sure that St Peter's
Church, Bradford was kept distinct from St Peter's Church, Leeds etc.

Anyway, thanks for your suggestions.


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