Good thoughts for consideration. I did purchase, and have regularly used, the 
charting program that was sold outside of Legacy 6. By default, where is the 
data stored in Legacy 8?

> On Feb 3, 2017, at 7:23 PM, Cathy Pinner <> wrote:
> Barbara,
> No version of Legacy embeds media in the data file. It would make the data 
> file huge, just for a start.
> Note FTM used to embed media in their data file but more recent versions 
> don't.
> I don't know of any other genealogy program that embeds the media in the data 
> file.
> You can stay with Legacy 6 if you want to. It will work on Windows 10 
> provided you install it outside of the Program Files folders.
> However, do consider upgrading. You are missing out on heaps of features 
> Charting, Mapping, enhanced Potential Problem checking - and they're just new 
> features from Legacy 7.
> The real learning curve between Legacy 8 and earlier versions of Legacy is 
> the change in the default place to keep your data files and the default place 
> for Media files.
> People who understand folder structure on a computer have no problem with 
> that. People who don't understand have had some problems switching over.
> Legacy 8 has many more Media handling tools which are much easier to use than 
> the ones in earlier versions.
> Legacy 9 on the surface will look and feel like Legacy 8. It's bringing some 
> great new features though.
> Cathy
>> Barbara Ford <>
>> Saturday, 4 February 2017 6:16 AM
>> Okay, got it. I think I may at least try keeping 6, if it will work on 
>> Windows 10, and I'm very much "on" to keeping it in the directories as you 
>> mention here, Steve. So, I'll do that on the new computer and at last try 
>> it, with not upgrading after all. My two issues (will 6 work on Windows 10, 
>> and does the later version allow embedded photos) have been answered in such 
>> a way that I believe I can stick with 6.
>> Thanks,
>> Barb
>> Steve Hayes <>
>> Friday, 3 February 2017 11:13 PM
>> No, it is the NEW Legacy version (8 and above) that by default installs
>> itself into protected folders.
>> I still have Legacy 7.5 on my computer, and it is installed in
>> E:\Legacy\
>> with the data files in
>> E:\Legacy\Data
>> and pictures in
>> E:\Legacy\pictures
>> I routinely copied these backwards and forwards between my desktop computer
>> (running Windows XP) and my laptop computer (running Windows 7) with no
>> problems, just a simple batch file did it.
>> Legacy 8, by default, installs itself inder
>> C:\Program Files\
>> which IS a directory protected by Windows, and doesn't allow data files to be
>> kept under it (as the older versions of Legacy did), so it keeps data files
>> under the My Documents folder,.wherever that may be.
>> I set up Legacy 8 differently, to install its program files into
>> E:\Legacy8
>> and its data files in
>> E:\Leg8Data
>> That makes it easier for me to copy the data files to a USB flash drive to
>> transfer to my Laptop. And those directories, like the ones created by older
>> version of Legacy, are not protected by Windows. But the \Program Files\ one
>> is.
>> Robert57P_gmail <>
>> Friday, 3 February 2017 12:36 PM
>> One problem you may have run into with Legacy 6 and Win7:  Windows 7 
>> "protects" some of the folders that used to be open.  By default, the older 
>> Legacy versions (I forget when they changed it) used to install in some of 
>> these folders that are now "protected".
>> I got around this by overriding the Legacy install.  If you install Legacy 6 
>> on Windows 10 (or Win8 or Win7), instead of accepting the normal "C:\PROGRAM 
>> FILES", instead tell Legacy to install into something like:  
>> "C:\winprog\legacy".  Since you are creating that "winprog" folder, windows 
>> has no rules about it and won't protect it.  So the older programs should 
>> run fine out of that location.
>> I have a C:\winprog, and C:\wingame, and a C:\winutil - I install any "old 
>> style" programs in those folders instead of in "C:\PROGRAM FILES" and it 
>> works pretty good.  And I store data from "old style" programs into 
>> C:\windata.  As much as I appreciate Microsoft "trying to protect us from 
>> ourselves", I don't like being told "you don't have permission to mess in 
>> folder xyz"!!!  I'm the administrator of this computer, darn it - I can do 
>> (or should be able to do) whatever I want where ever I want . . . as long as 
>> I understand the consequences.  Or, as a poster I once saw said:
>> "When my computer tells me I don't have admin privileges . . . Aren't we 
>> forgetting one teensy weensy but ever so critical little tiny detail?  I OWN 
>> YOU"
>> Bob
>> Barb Ford <>
>> Friday, 3 February 2017 3:16 AM
>> Okay, thank you, James. My incorrect assumption that Legacy 6 would not play 
>> well with Windows 10 was based on this: When I started with Legacy 6, I used 
>> XP. A few years ago, I changed to Windows 7. At that time, my Legacy program 
>> simply would not open with the new operating system. I was able to utilize 
>> the help of someone from this group, at that time, who spent a lot of time 
>> off-group, even with a Skype session, helping me to get everything to work. 
>> It was my understanding that the problem was because of the operating system 
>> and that I should consider upgrading to a newer Legacy version if I 
>> encountered further problems. As I say, that was my understanding at the 
>> time; perhaps I misunderstood, or perhaps I was given incorrect or 
>> incomplete information. Either way, it has been in the back of my mind that 
>> when I changed operating systems again, I should be ready to upgrade to the 
>> latest Legacy version. I see now that I was laboring under a false 
>> assumption/conclusion.
>> Thank you,
>> Barbara
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