On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 08:43:17AM +0200, bvh wrote:
> That is not true. As long as you base your work solely on your own data,
> you are free to do with it as you seek. Even after having uploaded it
> under the proposed license.

(Not taking into account how the licence sees it at all.)

Not really, you have a database of OSM data, you have your data, you
merge your data into your OSM database, that’s a derivative because it’s
a database containing OSM data (also a derivative of the other data).
You make pretty maps / routing / other from that.

The case that works:  You have a database of OSM data, you have your
data.  You don’t merge the datasets to create a new one, but your
application that makes pretty maps / routing / other can take both as
input.  Not derivative.  (Distribute both together, collective, but not

Of course, the latter is subject to some horrible ambiguities akin to
the linking of programs in the GPL.  Aren’t you creating a new
derivative database in memory?  That should probably be excluded,

If you only ever distribute your work in memory, then you
only ever have to provide the “source” in memory, which I don’t really
see as much of an issue.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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