
Simon Ward wrote:
> I also think the definition of an active contributor is too narrow.  I
> actually think it should be scrapped completely, because it doesn’t
> matter whether somebody isn’t active any more.

Oh yes it does, because if someone isn't active any more it will become 
harder and harder to get an opinion out of him. Someone who is not 
active any more will often have lost interest or lost his life, that's 
why, while desirable, it is not practical to give them a say.

Unless you're willing sign something that says "I agree that OSMF will 
make two attempts to contact me at my registered e-mail address with 
information on how to vote on an upcoming license change suggestion, and 
if I don't react then that counts as an "abstain" vote."


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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