On 23/09/2020 08:49, GITNE wrote:
Unfortunately, no. I do not use Slack. So, I cannot provide a specific link or something. What I know is that @SomeoneElse reported that Slack has an automated feed which pulls changesets comments from OSM and republishes them on one of
their channels.

For completeness, this discussion spun out of one at https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/90157565 which in turn spun off from https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/90174987 .

For those unfamiliar with it, the OSM US' Slack instance has a "feed-changeset-comments" channel which shows new changeset discussion comments shortly after they are added.  There are lots of other ways of getting at that data as well of course - including on osm.org itself.

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