Mark says:

>  > >Most surreal...Richard
>>  >Gott, who republished Guevara's Congo diaries as a blast against Kabila
>>  >at the same time charges him with having 'alienated foreign investors by
>>  >refusing to make payments on the gigantic foreign debt of $14bn incurred
>>  >by his profligate predecessor' (Guardian January 19, 2001).
>More surreal still is Hreatfeild pretending to be pro-black Africa. 
>This is the man
>who vocally supported Larry Summers' desire to dump shit there. 
>Richard Gott, per
>contra, is not only a real marxist and revolutionary, and a man who worked
>successfully for the KGB while employed as a journo at the Grauniad, 
>he is also a
>man who put his life where his money is not once but at least twice. 
>Of course, this
>validates nothing in his views about the Congo.

Right.  Stellar revolutionary credentials in the past do not validate 
Gott's opinion in the present that implies the need to pay the 
foreign debt & heed "UN demands" below:

*****   The Guardian (London)
January 19, 2001
SECTION: Guardian Leader Pages, Pg. 27
HEADLINE: Obituary: Laurent Kabila: His lifelong quest for power in 
Congo was destroyed by ineptitude at home and abroad
BYLINE: Richard Gott

Laurent-Desire Kabila, president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, 
who has been assassinated aged 61, was a cheerful, rubicund rogue, 
portly in middle age, who spent most of his life in exile, engaged in 
the illegal diamond trade and wild schemes to overthrow the 
dictatorship of Joseph-Desire Mobutu, his immediate predecessor. 
Along the way, he briefly recruited Che Guevara in 1965, and the 
armies of Uganda and Rwanda, which helped bring him to power in 1997.

Kabila's survival skills served him well in exile, but deserted him 
once he had moved into the presidential palace.  He had hoped that 
his wide international contacts would enable him to play the role on 
the wider African stage that the intrinsic size and importance of 
Congo would seem to indicate.  But political errors on the home front 
soon brought internal dissension, arguments with his foreign backers, 
and a return to Congo's endemic civil war.  Soon, he was turning to 
other foreign friends with desperate appeals for military assistance. 
At his death, wide areas of the country were outside his government's 

At the dawn of Congo's independence from Belgium in 1960, Kabila was 
one of the bright young men who might have become a star in his 
country's politics.  Yet after the United Nations intervention and 
the 1961 assassination of the independence leader Patrice Lumumba, 
the cream of the radical Congolese were exiled.  Kabila, who came 
from the secessionist southern province of Katanga, studied briefly 
in Paris and Belgrade, before returning home in 1963.

Briefly an elected assemblyman for North Katanga, when parliament was 
closed down later in the year, he joined with other Lumumbists in 
staging a widely-supported rebellion, backed by both the Chinese and 
the Russians, and half a dozen radical African states.

The rebellion attracted the attention of the United States, then 
panicking about possible Soviet gains in newly-independent Africa. 
Averell Harriman and Cyrus Vance masterminded a plan that involved a 
coup to install a reliable western ally, Moise Tshombe.  As well as 
weapons, the Americans recruited Belgian officers, exiled Cuban 
pilots, and white southern African mercenaries.

Kabila, who had established himself at Albertville (Kalemie), on the 
western shores of Lake Tanganyika, was soon forced by the mercenaries 
to retreat to the borders of Rwanda and Burundi.  In Stanleyville 
(Kisangani), resistance was destroyed by Belgian paratroopers, 
airlifted in by a joint US-European operation in November 1964.

Forced to retreat, Kabila and his friends turned to the Cubans, and 
Che Guevara arrived on the Tanzanian-Congo border with a small 
contingent of guerrilla fighters in April 1965; Guevara recorded that 
Kabila "made an excellent impression", though he subsequently 
reconsidered this view.

Although Kabila appeared "quick and charming" - when he deigned to 
turn up - he was usually engaging in conspiratorial politics in Dar 
es Salaam, or negotiating with China's Chou En-lai or North Korea's 
Kim il-Sung.  When he did meet Guevara, holed up on a bleak 
mountain-top, he came with ample supplies of whisky and bevies of 
attractive women.  After six months, the rebellion petered out, the 
Cubans went home, Mobutu overthrew Tshombe, and Kabila began 30 years 
in the political wilderness.

He moved between Dar and Kampala, and made occasional forays into the 
Kivu region of Congo, re-establishing the "liberated zone" of which 
Guevara had dreamed, and funding his political activities by gold and 
ivory trading.  Later, when finally driven from Congo, he made 
friends with Yoweri Museveni, then preparing to lead a rebel movement 
in Uganda.

Kabila did not reappear on the international stage until May 1997, 
when his forces captured Kinshasa after a 10-day campaign.  He was 
greeted as a liberator as his rebels moved south, supported by the 
eastern Congo's Tutsis and Rwandan and Ugandan army units.

Mobutu fled before the fall of Kinshasa, and the new President Kabila 
renamed the country - Mobutu's Zaire - as the Democratic Republic of 
Congo, and indicated that he would follow in the footsteps of 
Museveni, who had created a liberal and competent Ugandan government. 
He then promptly fell out with his Uganda and Rwandan backers, who 
assisted a new Congolese rebellion in August 1998.

Ugandan-backed rebels again advanced from the north-eastern borders 
and threatened Kinshasa.  Kabila invoked his friendship with Angola, 
Zimbabwe and Namibia's erstwhile leftist governments, and their 
troops fought off the rebellion.

But the war continued and had an inevitable impact on his style of 
government.  Deeply influenced by Congo's tragic history of foreign 
intervention, Kabila resurrected nostrums from his 1960s leftist 
past.  He established a one-party state, promised - but never 
delivered - elections, and alienated foreign investors by refusing to 
make payments on the gigantic foreign debt of Dollars 14bn incurred 
by his profligate predecessor.  He also ignored UN demands for an 
inquiry into the massacre of Rwandan refugees in eastern Congo in 

Well-meaning brokers like Nelson Mandela sought to mediate an end to 
the war, but Kabila refused to take any notice.  His mercurial 
temperament, and his ability to change sides, left him with few 
friends either at home or abroad.  In the end, his early promise was 
dissipated in his futile attempt to retain Congo as his personal 
fiefdom, much as Mobutu had done before him.

He is survived by his wife, and his son Joseph.

Laurent-Desire Kabila, politician, born November 27 1939; died 
January 17 2001   *****

>As for Kabila, he was just another slave-selling SOB and we should 
>not make a martyr
>out of his fat carcass. IMHO.

Kabila was, in my opinion, an opportunist.  It was Congo's tragedy 
that it only had Kabila to defend it from the U.S.-backed Kagame & 
Museveni: a common tragedy on the periphery.

In the following article, the New York Times accuses Zimbabwe of 
meddling in the Congolese affairs, while remaining silent over 
Washington's role as the backer of Kagame & Museveni & their 
invasions of Congo:

*****   The New York Times
January 20, 2001, Saturday, Late Edition - Final
SECTION: Section A; Page 6; Column 4; Foreign Desk
HEADLINE: Zimbabwe Says It Stands By Congo in Conflict
DATELINE: HARARE, Zimbabwe, Jan. 19

Behind the red-brick walls of the military barracks, Zimbabwe's 
presidential guard marched the gleaming white coffin of President 
Laurent Kabila of Congo into a tiny chapel crowded with Congolese 
dignitaries and cabinet ministers today.

But when the coffin was opened, the first man to view the body of the 
assassinated leader was President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe.

Mr. Mugabe bowed solemnly over the body and assailed this week's 
killing of Mr. Kabila, a man he described as "a comrade in arms, a 
friend, a brother, a revolutionary colleague."

As hundreds of mourners wept at their first glimpse of the fallen 
president, Mr. Mugabe pledged his country's continued military 
support for the shaken Congolese government, which has been 
devastated by two and a half years of war.

It was a gesture of respect and remorse, but it was also a striking 
indication of the powerful role that Mr. Mugabe is playing in Congo 
and will continue to play even as the country shifts to a new 

Mr. Kabila's son, Joseph, is officially in charge now.  But 
government officials and Western diplomats say Zimbabwe is quietly 
keeping a close hold on the levers of power and will remain a crucial 
force in determining the course of the transition in that vast, 
troubled country.

That reality was clear today as Mr. Mugabe met with a delegation of 
more than 20 Congolese ministers and senior officials.  It is no 
secret that Congo's government would have fallen long ago to rebels 
and foreign armies who invaded the country were it not for Zimbabwe's 
12,000 soldiers fighting along with Mr. Kabila's troops.  This week's 
crisis has only made Congo's military, economic and political 
dependence on Zimbabwe even more evident.

When Mr. Kabila was shot by a bodyguard at the presidential palace in 
the capital, Kinshasa, on Tuesday, it was to Zimbabwe that his 
officials rushed his body early on Wednesday morning.  It is still 
unclear whether he died in flight, as some reports have said. When 
African leaders attending a conference in Cameroon discussed the 
Congo situation, it was Mr. Mugabe who then met with the United 
Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, to discuss the attack and the 
prospects for peace.

Congo's national airline, which has no operating passenger aircraft, 
relies entirely on Air Zimbabwe's Boeing 737 and 767 jets to carry 
people between its major cities and to Europe, Air Zimbabwe officials 
said today.  And the economies of the two countries have become 
increasingly intertwined as the Congolese government has given 
Zimbabwe's government significant interests in its diamond and copper 
mines and timber fields to help cover the costs of the war.

Government officials here take pains to emphasize that they respect 
Congo's sovereignty and defer to its leaders' independence.  It is 
certainly true that Mr. Kabila, who sometimes frustrated even his 
allies with his reluctance to accept aspects of the peace 
negotiations, did not always agree with Mr. Mugabe.  As for the 
economic links, Zimbabwean officials insist that their business 
ventures in Congo have yet to bear much fruit.

But as the crisis in Congo unfolded this week and it became 
increasingly clear that the two countries were coordinating behind 
the scenes, some Zimbabwean officials were also startlingly candid 
about the enormous power they wield.

"Up to now, they are still asking for our assistance," Defense 
Minister Moven Mahachi said of the Congolese authorities in an 
interview two days after Mr. Kabila was shot.  "If Zimbabwe pulled 
out today there would be chaos.  Lives would be lost."

George Charamba, a spokesman for Mr. Mugabe, said the president 
continued to play a crucial role in coordinating a regional response 
to the war, which has drawn in half a dozen African nations and 
destabilized all of Central Africa.  "Zimbabwe does play some 
considerable role in determining the way forward," he said.

Sir Ketumile Masire, the former president of Botswana who is 
overseeing the peace talks, was not surprised to learn that Mr. 
Kabila's body had ended up in Zimbabwe, given the two leaders' strong 
personal ties.  "President Mugabe has always supported President 
Kabila," Mr. Masire said in an interview.  "And in times like this 
you run to your friends."

State television here finally broadcast videotape of Mr. Kabila's 
body tonight.  In the evening news, soldiers saluted the dead leader, 
who was dressed in a cream-colored suit, while women curtsied before 
his coffin.

Abdoulaye Yerodia Ndombasi, the leader of the Congolese delegation, 
said it was fitting that Mr. Kabila was lying in the country that had 
supported him in his battle against rebels supported by Rwanda and 
Uganda.  Angola and Namibia also support Mr. Kabila's government, but 
the two countries have only 1,000 to 2,000 soldiers each in Congo.

"The last breath of the president came out here in Harare, showing 
the link of brotherhood between President Kabila and his comrade and 
brother President Mugabe, and between the Congolese armed forces and 
the Zimbabwean armed forces," Mr. Yerodia Ndombasi said, his voice 
breaking as he offered the official version of Mr. Kabila's death.

Relatives of Mr. Kabila also wept.  Mr. Kabila's son, Joseph, is 
believed to have remained in Kinshasa, where his father will be 
buried on Tuesday after his body is returned from Zimbabwe on 
Saturday.  But analysts say there is little doubt that he, too, has 
been in touch with Zimbabwean officials.

"They're the most important force, in military and economic terms," 
said Erik Kennes, a researcher at the Africa Institute in Brussels, 
who is writing a biography of Mr. Kabila.  "The whole survival of the 
regime depends on them."    *****

Imperialism today presents itself as if it were a neutral & 
well-intentioned arbiter of a "local" conflict among "natives." 
Silly liberals get suckered into believing this imperial pose of 
"being above the fray," hence their calls for "peace-keepers," etc. 
Marxists need to present a better analysis that dispels the liberal 


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