En relación a Re: [L-I] Congo,
el 21 Jan 01, a las 13:10, Louis Proyect dijo:

> Despite their pleasant demeanor on various progressive Internet forums,
> people like James Heartfield are Thatcherites who choose to use Marxish
> verbiage as the need arises. Their big concern is "freedom"--freedom to say
> whatever they like just like P.J. O' Rourke or any other libertarian. Or the
> freedom for big corporations to make a profit without interference from Green
> groups. To try to salvage their reputation because they oppose intervention in
> the Congo makes about as much sense as supporting George W. Bush who is also
> committed verbally to get out of the "humanitarian interventions" business.

Did not try to save anyone's reputation. In fact, the only reputations I
usually try to salvage are my own and those of my friends (L. Proyect being in
that unworthy list, in fact). What I was trying to salvage, if anything, was
the piece of information. I was trying to sever the link between the news and
the postman.d

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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