Try to grow upYoshie and stop teaching how to build the left to old timers
like Lou. If your pretension is to recover the reputation of a right wing
cult--LM-- and its long time defenders like J. H., I would just recommend you
to improve on where you left on pen-l. Why to post J.H here, but not someone
else more useful to the purpose of L-I? You know that it will receive nothing
but endless controversies about a figure who is not even on the list. This
being the case,  Lou's criticism of  H was right on target. Frankly, I don't
know what your problem was with Lou's reply, but I found your "Learning" post
opposition for the sake of opposing. If I were you, I would simply engage in
what Lou was trying to say.

in any case, I was just checking my e-mail although I am supposed to be
technically away.


>Louis Proyect wrote:

> >I don't recommend the mode of argument -- if you can call it that --
> >that you are employing here.  In many circles, purist leftists tried
> >to discredit _everything_ that Michel Chossudovsky wrote because he
> >cited a couple of right-wing sources in his articles, etc.; _all_
> >info provided by Jared Israel because of his willingness to share the
> >podium with Justin Raimondo, etc.; etc.  Your argument is similar to
> >their tactics.
> Chussodovsky is a revolutionary. Furedi is a libertarian. That's what he
> told the Guardian newspaper. Look at Yoshie trying to dissolve the class
> line between us and a libertarian who sets up conferences with a shadowy
> 'intelligence-gathering' consulting company paying top dollar to set up a
> table in the lobby. Do you think the bourgeois press is lying when it
> states that all these people from Furedi's group are collaborating with
> ultrarightists?
> >One should be willing to learn about Z from even those with whom one
> >disagrees on A-Y; and learning about Z from someone doesn't imply the
> >acceptance of his or her views on A-Y.  It's as simple as that.
> >Unfortunately, few Western leftists are capable of doing so.  We have
> >a long way to go before rebuilding the Left.
> Empty platitudes.
> Rebuilding the left? Everybody in Great Britain agrees that the LM cult is
> a renegade from Marxism. Even Phil Ferguson, their erstwhile supporter,
> says that they are no longer part of the left. Perhaps we have
> disagreements about what the "left" means, Yoshie. People who network with
> the Wise Use movement are not part of the left, Yoshie. The Committee in
> Defense of Private Property placed the Furedi-ite Channel 4 documentary
> attacking the Greens on their website, while their leader Ron Arnold wrote
> for LM magazine. This is the same Ron Arnold who worked for Reverend Moon.
> Is Ron Arnold part of the left? Exactly who on the left has associated
> themselves with this cult other than Doug Henwood?
> Louis Proyect
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Mine Aysen Doyran
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