On Friday, February 28, 2020 at 8:31:34 AM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
> Here's what I've been doing, and I find it very unobtrusive.  I create a 
> new node where I want it, using the usual <CTRL>-I.  Of course, I type in 
> the node's name as usual. Then <ALT>-F8, <ALT>-F7.  I hardly notice I'm 
> doing it.  It would be easy to combine all three of these commands in a 
> single keystroke, but so far I haven't felt the need.

Ok, I just did that. But I don't understand why we went through the four 
headings to create the node in your prototype (I copied that for my first 
attempt), but for this new one all we do is write the title and then ID it 
and time stamp it and that's our zettel. One heading instead of four. No 
@rst headings, no @path heading. Don't understand what's going on.

Also realized I don't have to title it until I'm darn good and ready.  And 
I don't have to ID it and time stamp it before writing either. I can do 
those later as well.  All of that is a great help, yet my optimum situation 
would still be: no matter where I am in my system, when a new thought 
strikes, I just hit a hot key and start typing.  I don't have to locate and 
go to the outline where I want the new zettel, position the focus and the 
cursor where I want the new zettel.  Probably I don't even know yet where I 
will want it, but at any rate I don't want to think about any of that. Just 
hit a hot key and type. Take care of all the overhead later, after I've 
completed the thought.  

With The Archive zettelkasten software, for example, you hit command-N and 
start typing. That simple. In Mr. Luhmann's case, he pulls a new blank slip 
from his supply, directly to hand I presume, and starts writing.  Does the 
overhead later. And people thought this pure genius!  Maybe it is.

I'm not easy to get along with, am I?  And your proper response to me, I 
would think, will be, "Son, if you want things exactly your way like that, 
learn python and Leo yourself and learn how to make stuff like that happen!"

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