On 2/14/07, Markus Hoenicka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Rylander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
> > hmmm... The libtool interface version number is about compatibility,
> > where as the release number is about human-understandable "freshness".
> >  These are orthogonal concepts, though the former does deserve
> > attention.  It seems to me that the LIB_CURRENT and LIB_AGE should
> > just both be 0, since there is no previously versioned interface.
> > Then LIB_CURRENT just gets bumped when new functions are added, and
> > LIB_AGE gets bumped as old functions are changed, deprecated or
> > removed.  Trying to make the version number match the interface number
> > seem both counter productive (a new interface version for each
> > release?) and against libtool best practices, no? ... I may be
> > misunderstanding the proposal, though.
> >
> Maybe *I* am all dense about the libtool versioning stuff, but I see it like
> this: LIB_AGE is for recording the backwards-compatibility and thus is not
> relevant for the version number. All we have to consider is LIB_CURRENT (the
> number of the interface) and LIB_REVISION (loosely, the number of released
> source code changes that did not alter the interface). libdbi version numbers
> were picked rather randomly at the beginning, but as we had the drivers in a
> separate project, we wanted to avoid having, say, libdbi-drivers 8.3 depend on
> libdbi 7.5. We therefore decided to have all 0.8.x releases of libdbi work 
> with
> all 0.8.x releases of libdbi-drivers and so on. While this schema does not
> strictly prevent changes to the application vs. libdbi interface (it prevents
> changes to the libdbi vs. libdbi-drivers interface), it is unlikely to change
> one interface without changing the other. Therefore we currently have "0.8" as
> a rather randomly picked interface number and "1" as the revision number.

Sorry, I should have investigated much more closely before speaking...
I was basing all that on the SF bug discussion, which was more about
the abstract use of the LIB_* stuff, I believe -- or at least pre-use.
 If there's already a procedure in place then I don't want to suggest
we change it.

> If we follow your request to release the current CVS code (more on that 
> below),
> libtool would require no change of LIB_CURRENT, but LIB_REVISION would need to
> be bumped up. This is just what happens if we name the new release 0.8.2 (the
> interface remains at "0.8", the revision moves to "2".
> What I suggested in the discussion of the feature request back then is to 
> make a
> clean start with the version and interface numbers next time we need to change
> the interface. The interface number, and thus the major version, should be 
> "1",
> and the revision (= minor version) should start at "0". This is equivalent to
> stating that we'll bump up the major version whenever the interface changes,
> and the minor version whenever we add features that do not require a change of
> the interface. If we agree on that, there is no reason not to use the libtool
> numbers as the version number (LIB_CURRENT.LIB_REVISION). It is one set of
> numbers less that need the attention of the developers.

Sure, and for a library package that definitely makes sense.  In fact
the more I think about it the more sense it makes... :)


> > On a related note, we should also consider adding the "link libdbi
> > into drivers" patch that's been floating around into CVS.  Our project
> > requires that we do this, as it uses the
> >
> >   Parent => dl_open(app-logic) => dl_open(libdbi) => dl_open(libdbi-driver)
> >
> > pattern.  When libdbi goes to load the driver it can't due to missing
> > symbols that the driver requires in the loading binary.  Linking
> > libdbi into the drivers fixes this, it's a one line change in the
> > Makefile, and it does not break the more traditional setup.  In fact,
> > this would help with the above mentioned libdbi <-> driver interface
> > checks.
> >
> > Note that any apache module that attempts to use libdbi will also
> > suffer from this.
> >
> I recall this discussion, but I didn't have enough time to look into this. 
> We'll
> have to test whether the traditional setup is not affected by this on any
> platform supported so far. I'm especially concerned about Cygwin and Mingw. To
> speed up things, do you have a link to that patch handy?

It's actually the libdbi-drivers Makefile that needs patching, and
it's currently specific to linux builds for us.  Mingw and Cygwin may
not mind dl-loading-a-dl like linux seems to.  It's documented here:


and amounts to adding -ldbi to the LDFLAGS var for the drivers.

> > Having said all everything above, I'd personally prefer to see a new
> > version out right now with the current code.  It is tested and stable,
> >
> I can feel your pain :-( I'm personally inclined to follow your suggestion and
> use the current CVS version plus the "link libdbi into drivers" patch (if it
> does not break things) to release 0.8.2 in a matter of days. I'd suggest to 
> put
> the other changes on the back burner for another month or two and take our 
> time
> to do it right.


Thanks, Markus!

> regards,
> Markus
> --
> Markus Hoenicka
> (Spam-protected email: replace the quadrupeds with "mhoenicka")
> http://www.mhoenicka.de

Mike Rylander
GPLS -- PINES Development
Database Developer

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