On 2/12/07, Markus Hoenicka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Rylander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
> > Continuing this long-dormant thread, I want to thank the libdbi core
> > team for the help and support in getting basic ISO timezone support
> > into the code base.  It has helped the Evergreen[1] project immensely,
> > as we wouldn't have a fast and stable database connector without it.
> >
> It is nice to see such a high-profile project use libdbi successfully!
> > Is it time for 0.8.2?
> >
> libdbi has a history of being developed in batch mode. Development usually is
> dormant as long as no one complains about bugs or missing features. Maybe it 
> is

Entirely understandable, especially given that current stability of the code.

> time again for a wake-up call to the hibernating developers to collect all
> issues which should be addressed in an upcoming new release. From my POV, the
> following things come to mind (they have been requested previously, but I
> couldn't find the mails right away as I'm away from my development box):
> - change the release version numbers to the library interface numbers. The 
> issue
> has been discussed before
> (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1578577&group_id=65979&atid=512948).
> This change will allow better version checks by the runtime linker and thus 
> will
> avoid frustrations when using applications built against an incompatible 
> libdbi
> version.

hmmm... The libtool interface version number is about compatibility,
where as the release number is about human-understandable "freshness".
 These are orthogonal concepts, though the former does deserve
attention.  It seems to me that the LIB_CURRENT and LIB_AGE should
just both be 0, since there is no previously versioned interface.
Then LIB_CURRENT just gets bumped when new functions are added, and
LIB_AGE gets bumped as old functions are changed, deprecated or
removed.  Trying to make the version number match the interface number
seem both counter productive (a new interface version for each
release?) and against libtool best practices, no? ... I may be
misunderstanding the proposal, though.

> - add a "late binding" interface to libdbi. Currently you have either to know 
> in
> advance which type a particular query is going to return, or you have to add
> type checks after each query in order to find out. A "late binding" interface
> would allow to request e.g. a string or an integer from any type of field, 
> with
> libdbi performing all required conversions.

That actually seems fairly trivial for all types except
DBI_TYPE_BINARY -- that might require base64 encoding or the like.
I'll look into doing this.

> - the drivers should be overhauled too where necessary. I've fiddled with some
> experimental code to improve concurrent accesses with sqlite3. Also, we should
> check at least the MySQL and PostgreSQL drivers with the latest versions of
> these database engines to work out any compatibility issues.

I've been using the Postgres driver against an 8.2 database in
testing, and that seems to work just fine.

On a related note, we should also consider adding the "link libdbi
into drivers" patch that's been floating around into CVS.  Our project
requires that we do this, as it uses the

  Parent => dl_open(app-logic) => dl_open(libdbi) => dl_open(libdbi-driver)

pattern.  When libdbi goes to load the driver it can't due to missing
symbols that the driver requires in the loading binary.  Linking
libdbi into the drivers fixes this, it's a one line change in the
Makefile, and it does not break the more traditional setup.  In fact,
this would help with the above mentioned libdbi <-> driver interface

Note that any apache module that attempts to use libdbi will also
suffer from this.

> The above issues are just suggestions. If anything else seems worth to be
> included in the next release, feel free to add your favourites.

Having said all everything above, I'd personally prefer to see a new
version out right now with the current code.  It is tested and stable,
and does exactly what I need (other than the driver-libdbi linking
issue, but that's separate).  There seems to have been a descent
amount of code added since 0.8.1 was released, and now that this
codebase is in use in a large production project (it's been tested
stable, etc) my immediate concern is stamping the code as "good" and
being able to point others at a tarball to say "that is tested and
works."  As it stands, I get funny looks (or worse, no second look at
all) when I say, "Grab libdbi from CVS.  Yes, it's stable and safe,
it's just not wrapped up in a download yet."  So ... I'm sure you can
understand my frustration ...

Anyway, thanks again for this awesome package.  It's been a huge help,
and I'll continue to do what I can as time permits to help improve it.

Mike Rylander
GPLS -- PINES Development
Database Developer

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