On Sat, 12 Apr 2008 13:59:02 -0700, Zack Bass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Regardless of which things are done by Force and by whom to whom, the
> fact remains that the Florida Legislature has enacted an
> anti-libertarian Law.  Saying that they have the Power to enforce it
> does not change that judgment.
> And I say I OWN my Property.  To say that I do not is to deny ALL
> Private Property Rights.  sorry, that ain't gonna fly with a
> libertarian.  Best you can say is that these guys CLAIM to trump my
> Property Rights, and they may have the Power to make it stick; but
> morally they do not OWN my Property.

        Your claim on your property has been encumbered ever since it's
existed within the legal structure of the United States and before. Think
a bit-- remember the 5th Amendment? It says that if you lose property, the
government has to pay you for it. Now what does that mean? It shows that
there was a preexisting right to seize it or otherwise encumber it to
begin with. And that goes back to English common law and the legal  
where the King handed out land in exchange for certain considerations and
that deed, that royal patent of ownership, had all kinds of encumberances  
it like how many lances, (usually a knight, his squire and two men at arms,
although composition varied) his liegeman owed him and any alternatives  
paying scuttage, (payment in lieu of service) if he didn't want to tool up
and go to war himself.

        The legal claim you're making has never, ever existed anywhere in
the history of English speaking peoples. And everything that has to do with
property law as we practice it in this country, is based on the system of
land tennancy that was extant during the middle ages, and legal briefs will
actually reach that far back.

        So, what you own has always been encumbered with plenty of conditions,
and exceptions and easements and so forth.

        In short, what you're proclaiming is a fantasy.

"Implications leading to ramifications leading to shenanigans." Admiral  
Elmo Zumwalt, USN

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