At 10:10 AM 10/13/2009, you wrote:
>This is better than the Onion:
>At the end of the "piece" is this disclaimer:
>This post was written by <>Rusty
><>Rusty - who has written 90 
>posts on <>
>The Satire Stall / Rusty's Skewed News Views is a spoof publication, 
>fired by the ironies of human nature and tempered with elements of 
>satire and parody, and should not, therefore, be taken too 
>seriously. These are inspired by traveling around the Earth more 
>times than Skylab and composed while observing the inherent idiocies 
>of Mankind. Thus lawyers be duly advised : All libel writs issued on 
>behalf of offended humourless ego's and / or those blighted by 
>unqualified arrogance herein lampooned may be addressed to : Rusty 
>the Boddington's Badger, Igloo 27, Pasquinade Gardens, Penguin 
>Parade, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. 
><>Contact the author in our forums

There you go again, raining on his parade, costing him medals... Zack 
was on such a roll, that I didn't have the heart to tell him it was bogus >:)  

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