Zack Bass wrote: And you are misrepresenting Egypt. There are Laws against the 
use of Violence against women who are not virgins. Shit man, THINK! They have 
whores there.
Such laws in countries with an Islamic majority are largely 'cosmetic'. They 
are NOT enforced. Little or nothing is done to those who kill and mutilate 
women because of their sexual behavior.

We're not talking about the Right of a slut to be a slut without fear of 
Violence. None of those using this Kit are seeking to convince angry 
pitchfork-wielding mobs of their virginity. These kits are for the sole purpose 
of tricking the man who is FUCKING a slut that she is a virgin. I say that it 
is Fraud - a violation of NAP - for anyone to trick a man thusly. If he doesn't 
want to stick his dick in a filth-ridden hole, that is his right. If he asks, 
either refuse to answer or tell the Truth; DO NOT DEFRAUD HIM.
Zack, I think you do not understand the culture that exists in Islamic 
countries. Women in such countries are PROPERTY. They are regarded as little 
more than donkeys, that belong first to their fathers, then to whatever man 
their father chooses for them to marry. If a woman has sex, be it one time or a 
hundred times, or however many times you think she needs to in order to become 
a 'slut'  she will be KILLED. (and btw, how many times does a man have to have 
sex before HE becomes a 'slut' I wonder. The Muslims, and you as well, don't 
seem to worry too much about THAT! As for a 'filthy hole', what about a 'filthy 
pole? Or is that different?),
Either her father will kill her, or her husband will, if this is discovered. 
Simply telling the 'truth' is not a realistic option in an Islamic country. A 
woman there will have a husband chosen for her, by her father. She is expected 
to marry him, regardless of her opinion on the matter, and she is expected to 
be a virgin at the time of marriage. Period, end of story. She has no more 
right in Islamic culture to decide she would like a different husband, or no 
husband at all than a donkey  belonging to a particular farmer would have to 
decide that it would prefer to belong to a different farmer, or no farmer. 
Telling her father or her husband that she is not a virgin, and remaining 
single, in order to avoid 'defrauding' the man, isn't going to happen, if she 
has any sort of survival instinct. She will be taken out and strangled or 
stoned to death.


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