At 07:10 PM 10/13/2009, you wrote:
>Boris Karpa wrote: >> According to medical surveys, anywhere from 
>30% to half of all women do not bleed when they first have sex, for 
>a variety of medical reasons.
>I can personally attest to this. I have had 2 boyfriends in my life 
>(both assholes). I never bled at all with boyfriend #1, and bled all 
>over the place with boyfriend #2 the first time I had sex with him. 
>As it said in the commercial for Godzilla, 'Size Does Matter'!

LOL! That sounds something like what my wife said one time; "Any 
woman who says that size doesn't matter at all, will lie about other 
things as well". :)

>Given that I'm fairly tall for a woman (5'9"); in an Islamic 
>country, any woman my height would probably would be strangled on 
>their wedding night for supposedly not being a 'virgin', if they had 
>had the misfortune to have a husband whose penis was too small. But 
>of course, nothing in Islamic countries is EVER the man's fault.

Sad but true. But look at the situation in much of the western world. 
In divorce proceedings and rape investigations, the basic assumption 
of guilt is placed on the male, in all too many instances.  

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