On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 16:53:00 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Travis Pahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:
> >> Exactly. Ergo, excessive spending is the cause of raising the debt
> limit.
> >And raising the debt limit causes excessive spending.
> Ridiculous.
Yes, you keep claiming that.  But you have refused to respond to my
points each time you claim it.  lets try again.  I will number them so
that you can see them better...

1. if they did not raise the limit and it did not limit their future
spending as you suggest, how would they fund their future spending?
a. increase taxes
b. not fund it and hope that no one cares
c. some other method I am unaware of.

If you answer is b. please answer question 2.  If C answer 3.

2. What are you basing your beleif that banks would cash checks issues
by the federal government if they were not going to recieve money from
the government in return?

3. What method of increasing funding am I not recognizing?

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