Travis Pahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:

>> >Incrementanlism is okay when you are incrementally going towards your
>> >goal.  Allowing police officers to be armed [off duty] while [other]
>> citizens still are
>> >not is not a step in the right direction.
>> Why is it not?  Before the step, X people are allowed to carry guns. 
>> the step, X + N people are allowed to carry guns, where N > 0.  How is
>> not a step in the right direction?

>Okay, how about instead of police officers we said, only 

Not "only".  "In addition to everyone who'd OTHERWISE be allowed."

>asians could

That's funny!  Before reading this message I replied to shadow in this
thread and gave Chinese as an example!

>use guns.  Would that be an improvement? 

Of course!

> No. 

Why not?  Why would you rather not increase the number of people allowed to
carry guns, if the set of added permittees isn't to your liking?

>I am only suggesting equal protection under the law. 

So given the choice between liberty and equality, you go for equality? 
That's practically the defining characteristic of the socialist.

>> Travis reminds me of the supposed libertarians who are against allowing
>> gov't to operate gambling (such as lotteries) in states where otherwise
>> nobody would be allowed to operate those forms of gambling.  They seem
>> think it's better that people who want to gamble have no legal
>> to do so than that they have one legal way to do so.  The trouble is,
>> they're focusing on (see the subject line) size of gov't rather than
>> of freedom.

>Government protected monopolies have proven to be bad for freedom.

Worse than absolute prohibition?!

In Your Sly Tribe,
Robert in the Bronx
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