On 03-Dec-04, Travis Pahl wrote:

 s>>>> Exactly. Ergo, excessive spending is the cause of raising the debt
 s>>>> limit.

 TP>>> And raising the debt limit causes excessive spending.

 r>> Ridiculous.

 TP> Yes, you keep claiming that.  But you have refused to respond to my
 TP> points each time you claim it.  lets try again.  I will number them so
 TP> that you can see them better...

 TP> 1. if they did not raise the limit and it did not limit their future
 TP> spending as you suggest, how would they fund their future spending?
 TP> a. increase taxes
 TP> b. not fund it and hope that no one cares
 TP> c. some other method I am unaware of.

d. The result would be govt default on its bonds and hyperinflation, causing
a collapse in economies around the world.

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