Hi Jay!
> > but also hypocritical since they wanted to punish
> > Bush for taking down one of the "right-wing
> > dictators" that they supposedly hated so much.
> What an Amazing coincidence that this particular dictator had no WMDs
> (cough, cough Korea) but was sitting on top of valuable resources (cough,
> cough, Zimbabwe)

What an amazing coincidence that Bush never claimed that the right-wing
dictator had WMDs.  (Or can you point me to an example of such a statement?)

> Where was W's avocation for war in the 1980s when Reagan and Bush were
> *supporting* Saddam?

Which has exactly what bearing on the question of whether a "right-wing
dictator" should be taken down?  (Bush did inquire about volunteering for
Vietnam and dropped it when he was told they weren't interested in pilots
who only had experience in what had just become obsolete aircraft.)

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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