Jay P Hailey wrote, in part:

> > So if you don't vote you aren't represented by the person you didn't
> vote
> > for?
> >
> > Lowell C. Savage
> When a representative votes for a patently unconstitutional victim
> disarmament law, who is he representing?

His constituents.  Including you if you live in his district.

> When a politician votes for an omnibus spending bill that takes my money
> and
> spends it on lint museums and other moronic pork projects,  who is he
> representing?

Same answer.

> And if you think they're up there legislating with your good in mind,
> you're
> dreaming.

Some of them try.

> But until WWII this progression was diffuse and had sharp limits.


> And a lot of it is because "The People" want it that way.  They fear the
> other.  The stupid other with a gun, the careless other with a car the
> reckless other with drugs.


> So they say "Control the other! More laws!"


> So?  Screw 'em.  My rights were built into me by God as factory original
> equipment.  Everyone on earth could vote unanimously and it still wouldn't
> remove a single right God has built into me.
> The United States Government is rapidly shedding and discarding all limits
> on its power.  But I like the idea of a limited government myself.
> I hope to see it one day.

Well, it won't come from tilting at windmills.

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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